Originally published at: BRAIN FREEZE: Al Gore Says Climate Change Cooling… THEN WARMING the Earth | Sean Hannity
Former Vice President and climate-change crusader Al Gore warned social media of another “ominous” heat record set in Oman over the weekend, just months after claiming global warming was -in fact- cooling the planet.
Gore posted the dire prediction on Twitter Saturday, saying “another ominous record” was smashed when the “overnight Low” in Oman reached a staggering 108.7 degrees.
“Another ominous record has been set. The city of Quriyat, Oman, hit an overnight LOW of 108.7 degrees on Tuesday - likely the highest minimum daily temp recorded on Earth,” Gore writes.
The former Vice President was touting another aspect of climate change just last winter, when he said the global crisis was creating record low temperatures throughout the United States.
“It’s bitter cold in parts of the US, but climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann explains that’s exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis,” he tweeted.