BP: Focus on energy security increases demand for domestically produced renewables and other non-fossil fuels

I bet if you dig into those “facts and figures”, you will find the phrase “at current rates of consumption” at the root of those “years of reserves left” calculations.

I haven’t looked yet…tell me I’m wrong.

And again…not “how much”.

“How fast”. “At what net energy”.

Money talks louder than words.

They are increasing their investment in all types of energy.

We are not running out of energy . . . unless like BP in its statement, pretending the only energy forms are 1) petroleum and 2) the ones BP can profit from

The religiosity of it all…

Did I say we were running out of “energy”?

I do not believe I said that.

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From your “kicking the can down the road” I inferred
“We must switch to non=coal, non-natural gas, non-nuclear or else we are running out.”

Should I trust you now agree and concur with my 200 year statement?

We are not running out.
Even if, because if the war in Ukraine, etc. we must eliminate petrol use,
there is lots and lots of energy.
but certain folks, including BP, want to pretend the only petrol alternative
are things BP can profit from (not coal, not nat gas, not nuclear)

I was thinking more like “blinders.”

Thread title reads
“BP: Focus on energy security increases demand for domestically produced renewables and other non-fossil fuels

Press release reads
" . . . much of which is likely to come from renewables and other non-fossil fuels."

Each is a delightful invitation to ignore

  • domestic oil such as the oil in in the Atlantic
  • coal
  • natural gas
  • nuclear

Bood batteies and toxic waste.