Border wall and the budget

You really have no idea why and where wall has not been built, do you?

I would start with areas where this is not an issue.

Again. Are you giving me a test? Answer truthfully now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hold their pay after it’s done, too. That’s how Donald rolls.

So go have the military build random sections of intermittent makeshift walls… brilliant.

OMG! You think that I would fail your test? Oh Lordy how shall I go on? :wink:
Seriously, you express more interest in me in one post, than I have shown to you in all of mine. I don’t know whether to be flattered or creeped out. Got anymore tests for me to decline? :blush:

I didn’t say “random.” That was totally made up on your part. An unforced error. You can do better than that.

In the context of the purpose of a wall, it would certainly be random from the perspective of anyone simply moving down a section to pass.

A pointless and silly “plan”.

I have never been an advocate of using a physical wall to secure our borders.

Walls get breached. Always have. Always do. Always will.

We need to build a virtual economic wall that leaves self-deportation as the only recourse to illegal entry. We can do a tight e-verify that would apply not only to employment, but to housing (rentals or purchase), loans, insurance, education, and other things.

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I agree, but we also need to hold these employers who hire these illegal immigrants accountable.

That goes without saying.

In fact, that’s the key to the whole virtual wall. And not just the employers, but the providers of all the transactions that would require e-verify.

And I fully accept that it would require a marginal degree of loss of liberty for me. I would be required to verify my residency no less than an illegal immigrant would. Thus, most of my daily life would be more trackable.

To me, that trumps building another Great Wall of China (that failed in its intent too.) The economic difference between a physical wall and a virtual wall heavily favors the technological approach. And that advantage multiplies when considering ongoing maintenance and operation costs.

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The pentagon got a $700 billion budget. $16 billion for the wall would be nothing.

They go down and put up stuff like barred wire…

Defending the border is why we have a military…

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They are going to have a few objections for those with private property on the border…

I’m just happy the dems are still running on open borders and sanc cities…

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Fat Donald should ask Mexico for that border wall check and leave Congress out of his campaign promise fulfillment.

Then why is our man-child asshat president pissing and moaning and threatening a gov shutdown?

I am just tickled that hypocrite Trumplicans are still providing cover for Fat Donald as he fails to deliver on a major campaign promise i.e. “the wall”.

Trumplicans blaming Democrats, who aren’t even in control of the budget, for Fat Donald not having the funding to build his “big beautiful wall”.

That is freaking hilarious!
