Border Funding - More for NY…. Than AZ?

Sinema didn’t get kicked out. She left the party.

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Now…leave politics out and apply common sense…where should the money be spent…to fix a problem or to allow it to exacerbate by shifting that money elsewhere to temporarily help with financial woes in a Democrat area which will only get worse because the problem isn’t fixed?

The money should be spent overhauling the immigration system to allow easier access to work visa and travel over the border to work.

Treating the entire issue as a law enforcement problem is obviously not working.

…and this is why you’d never make it in real life when it comes to spending money to generate the greatest ROI. The border must be secured…that’s number one and there is no plan B until it is.


Making it only a law enforcement matter isn’t working. It isn’t going to work. It never will work.

If the 20th century has taught us anything… complete prohibition on something just doesn’t work.

All that has to be done is to apply the laws that have already been established. It’s the unenforcement of these laws that’s the problem. All of this was solved in the 1986 agreement where if the country would legalize 12 million illegal aliens, the IRS would enforce that no companies could hire illegal aliens. No mon…no fun…no one will come across and it’s just that simple.

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They aren’t Mexicans.


Once again… treating it only as a law enforcement issue will continue to produce poor results.

Uh, huh…and when there is no defense and the truth spanks you…this is the lib response. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

I see that there is no room for any discussion on this.

We could throw all the man power in the world at this and make the southern border the deadliest strip of land on the planet.

It won’t stop migrants.

Continue the law enforcement aspect but also work on the immigration process and address the reasons that people are coming here.

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Invade the ■■■■ hole countries they’re coming from and put in new governments?

If history has taught us anything it should be that we are very terrible at doing that.

So what’s wrong with her having an opinion and criticizing someone.

Political theater to give Sinema clout.

She is welcome to say what she wants.

I will still laugh at her about it.

Good for you…laughing is healty.

So we are good with distributing tax dollars as political awards and punishments rather than where needed most by society?


When I said that the finding shouldn’t be at the expense of border States like Arizona…. What did you take that to mean?

He already agreed that the corrupt distribution was not right.

When someone he doesn’t like (for whatever reason) says the same thing, it’s something to be laughed at.

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No mon…no fun…and no one…comes across. Enforce the laws.

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