Bob Woodward’s Stunning Look into the Presidency

My prayers for Trump will suffice for my part of the effort to save Trump. God has been good to him .

Isn’t it too bad that Woodward didn’t apply his journalistic talent to investigate and expose the collusion between the FBI and the Obama DoJ to exonerate Hillary of her email crimes and to then illegally influence the election allowing 3rd parties, outside of government to have access to NSA files?

Perhaps, but he’s mainly a nonfiction writer.



Is Smyrna seriously falling for the bull ■■■■ the CEC is peddling?



Actually…they’re listening to me and what I’ve said for over 2 years now. Drip, drip, drip…

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Our host has been saying he’s been “over the target” (there have been many) for over a year, and yet none have been hit. It’s been quite entertaining!

The Obama left overs in the DoJ have done a superb job of stonewalling and covering up their deceit but…they’re slowly being fired or replaced. The evidence exposing them will be declassified, the redactions removed, the emails released by the courts through the FOIA and the incriminating texts turned over in a drip, drip, drip type fashion. I’ve waited this long, I can now wait for the October surprise.


Cool story, bro!

It’ll be a great day when below average people like yourself can see the truth too.

Oh, Smyrna, this is not going to happen.

Just wait LuLou…it won’t be long now.

Manafort saw the truth yesterday. 210 to 240 months of it. Forfeited $46 million as well. That, my friend, is the truth.

Did you hear him at the beginning of his radio show yesterday, saying that he had 3 phone calls from people, and they assured him that the Manafort stuff had NOTHING to do with trump. Wow! SAD!

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Entertainment - with 250% more comfort too!

Yeah, yeah…perfect job for a special counsel. That’s what they’re for.

Let me guess who called…




Fat Donald

You don’t like that he snagged a crook, paid for all the special counsel costs (and then some!) to date, AND turned Fat Donald’s campaign manager state’s witness?

Who else is dumber than those Three Stooges? Lol.

Manafort pleaded guilty to 2 counts of conspiracy against the United States.

Trump doesn’t need God, he needs a competent criminal attorney or someone to lock him out of his Twitter account.