Blue Wave keeps rolling on in So. California: Rohrabacher 7k behind, other R's on shaky ground

Try to pass federal regs to reform the process and watch the hysterics go up a pitch :grin:.

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It isn’t a matter trust. It’s a matter of observing what’s presented and then evaluating it’s objectivity. So in your opinion, this never happened? It’s totally fake?

The point was and is…there’s no excuse.

In my opinion, poll workers are not required to check whether or not you are a legal citizen. They check registration, that’s it.

They can’t deny you your vote just because they suspect you might be illegal, afaik. Not their job.

There will be an investigation. Like virtually every other investigation, it will turn up either no illegals voting or very, very few.

There actually is… for instance, California law allows absentee ballots postmarked by Election Day and received within 3 days of Election Day. Using this example, California could still be receiving valid ballots up till… yesterday…

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I think all you are presenting is how little you know and the process and multiple safeguards in place for voting. Again, I am all in favor of making election standards, processes and resources a federal responsibility…


No. They have to be POSTMARKED by Election Day. There’s your problem.

There are reasons why it takes a couple weeks typically to certify ballot counts. First, absentee ballots can keep rolling in several days after Election Day. Then, all the provisionals from Election Day need to be reviewed, which means all those ballots need to be brought to a central location for the canvass. For some of those, cast outside the voter’s normal precinct, registration has to be verified individually. There are a number of other reasons for provisionals that can require individual investigation. At the end of the day, it only delays the determination of the general outcome in tight races.

Depends on the state…

To be fair, you’re always going to have conspiracies. It’s kind of your deal.


I think voting should be easier. There should be same day registration. There should be more polling places. Nobody should have to wait 2 hours to cast a vote. I figure after 200 years we would get it together


I think there should be the same system across the country. And none of this ■■■■■■■■ about not recognizing signatures. And yes, same day reg., early voting and more polling places. And make Election Day a holiday or give workers time off to vote. This process should be easier not harder.


It’s be hilarious if it wasn’t so dangerous watching the GOP try to keep people from voting and now trying to keep votes from being counted.

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Yup. National elections should be held on the weekend to make it easier to vote. Voter registration should be automatic when you get DL or identity card or whatever. Not opt in. Voting places should be massively expanded. The list goes on.

Yet the GOP wants to do everything in its power to make voting difficult.

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Conspiracy theories amplified by the piece of ■■■■ we have as POTUS, who also happens to be the grandfather of birtherism.

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Lol. You of course are wrong.

The reason some Callie.s votes are not counted on Election Day is state law which only requires mailed ballots to be postmarked on Election Day.

Do you get that?


Many places that have been flipping toward Democrats since last year in the special elections were traditionally conservative. Let’s face it, Trump is his own worst enemy and the GOP’s as well. Any normal President that inherited such a good economy wouldn’t lose this many seats in the House and would most likely retain that chamber. To put it as nicely as I can Trump is a ■■■■■■ idiot that couldn’t keep his mouth shut or at the very least stay disciplined and on a positive message and ride a great economic wave that was given to him. Some nimrod in his cabinet (or most likely it was himself) thought it was a good idea to go on a negative “Scare Americans to death for the midterms” tour where xenophobia would win out. He thought he could rekindle that same bleak message from 2016 and it pretty much blew up in his face as people are clearly getting tired of his ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Republicans, and Independents alike. Sending troops to the border certainly didn’t help and reeked of a political stunt.

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You’re living in the past. In addition, Trump has been alienating rational R’s.


That’s hilarious. ROFL.