Bloomberg: TESLA, after doubling employees in 3 years, now seeks to cut by more than 10%

I change my oil every 10k miles. I’m on my second set of brakes. My car has 180k miles on it. But I’m only on my 3rd set of tires. I don’t spend money on coffee getting gas. A lot more money to register, and a lot more on insurance.

No. But they can make it very hard to buy an ICE vehicle with mandates on both the consumer and the dealers. This net zero madness to save the planet has to dealt with at some point for the lunacy that it is. It’s not stopping with EVs. Air conditioning, stoves, next will be food. check this out.

What if I don’t want to buy a used car? As for the rest, limited range, hassle of charging while on the road, and lousy in cold weather.

That isn’t true. Blue states soon won’t permit you to buy anything other than an EV, you’re mincing words here.

Then don’t. Plenty of New EVs under 30k like the Chevy Bolt.

How much range do you think you need? You can charge at home.

I do think they will ease up on this requirement. For CA it is new vehicle purchases… not used. 2035 is a long way away. A lot can change between now and then

Americans are concerned about those times when they have to make a big trip. And the charging infrastructure isn’t where it needs to be just yet.

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No it’s true. Most Americans don’t drive very far for their daily commute.

What the stats don’t include is that most Americans do make occasional big trips that are at least 200 miles every year. And there are people like me who drive 60 miles per day. Which I admit is a bit abnormal. Although it is more common for people like me who live in areas without a ton of jobs and thus I have to drive pretty far just to work.

But most people move close to their jobs. My issue is that my job doesn’t really pay me enough to move close. I’d lose money because I was given this property I currently live on for free and then I bought a cheap trailer to put on it. If I was to move to the town I work in and rent I’d pay about 1500 bucks per month instead of my dirt cheap 200 I pay right now.

Chevy bolt currently isn’t in production. It’s due for a redesign. And knowing GM’s stupidity, the second generation will adopt Ultimum batteries and cost a ton more than the 1st generation.

Weirdly enough EVs get more price competitive the higher up the ladder you go. Especially with luxury brands.

But there is currently no mass market affordable new EV in the 25K price bracket. You can get used models for that much but new there’s literally nothing new since the Bolt went out of production. Someone needs to release the Golf type of EV. Something designed and priced for the mass market, not just acting as an electric supplement for gas burners that are already horrendously overpriced.

We need the Honda Civic of EVs. Ford has a team on it since they are aiming for a 25,000 small truck and sister SUV EV by 2030. But I know Ford’s history and I don’t have a lot of hope. Tesla also has a 25k Model 2 in the design works but then you’re stuck buying a Tesla.

Which for most Americans is… never? For those that frequently drive over 200 miles… an EV isn’t for you just yet. Especially in anything other than a Tesla.

Most Americans drive out of state at least once per year for some special activity. Hell I just drove 200 miles round trip Saturday to go to a strawberry festival my girlfriend wanted to go to. And I rarely go anywhere besides work. People want their car (which is a big purchase) to do everything at the drop of a pin at any time. With many EVs, you have to think about a drive. Not the case with gas burners.

We are retired but occasionally take a trip in the car.

Went from TN to NC last year.

Used to drive to Cali once in a while (wife has a few relatives out there).

An EV on that trip would be a nightmare.

EV’s now would basically be a commuter car.

I never spent much on commuter cars ever really.

Used to buy used cars that ran good but looked like crap sometimes to drive to work.

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Just some math.

A 10% cut after doubling means there are still 80% more employed than at the start.

This is a 2019 statistic. Average commute one way is 27.6 miles. I drive 31.2 miles. I’m pretty sure you were quoting a European statistic. Because I heard that was well.

That’s a good EV for home charging only. Or as a secondary vehicle. Charging speeds were way too slow.

I don’t go a lot of places anymore myself, I’m in my 50s. But I was the complete opposite when I bought my first car at 22 years old. Just to work was just under an hour one way. So about 25k miles just to work and back. I drove more than that after work or on days off. I don’t think I had a year with less than 60k miles. I had the car for 4 years and it had over 250k miles on it.

I don’t know what young people do today, but back in the late 80s, if you didn’t want to be bored to tears, you had to leave your house. It didn’t help that I lived about 45-50 minutes away from most friends.

My wife drives 72 miles each way. She leaves with 80% and returns with 20% left. Charges overnight and repeats the next day.

And we probably go to Vegas or San Diego once every three months… Vegas is about 270 away and that’s once charge stop.

So for us 99% of our driving is well within range for an EV with 200+ range.

Well sure, as long as you don’t need to go anywhere of significant range afterwards. Plus stopping to charge in a Tesla isn’t that much of a hassle. A Chevy Bolt on the other hand…

Right now you probably get great charging speeds with a Tesla. But if it ever gets to the point where 50% of the cars on the road are EVs, that speed may be throttled at peak hours due to the grid. Those super chargers draw a lot of electricity.

I don’t think that helps your argument, given that the Volt is a textbook example of an unreliable EV.


Fire 10% of the workforce but still try to give Elon 56 Billion…with capital B pay package…