Bipartisan Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Citizens United Introduced

I went that back for an idea that I thought YOU would think was good.

Fascinating. Lol

Wait. Arenā€™t Democrats a part of America? Therefore by basic logic, if they are only in favor of things that are best for themselves, then it stands to reason what they want is also best for America!

Iā€™m talking about Real America. Not the ELITIST Coasts where everyone lives. Real America is the flyover country. The Forgotten Man.

You liberals are going be so mad if global warming happens, and you cities get all flooded. You will have to move out to where we live, and weā€™ll be laughing.

Democrats only live on the coasts? Fascinating. Lol

constitutional amendments? 5-10 states against 40-45?


This is a parody account , right?

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Maybe a parrot-y account?

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A bipartisan bill - I like it. Congress working together.

Now they should get a spending bill passed, and override Trump if he vetoes it. Time to start getting stuff done.

McConnell will not bring anything to the floor for a vote until Trump signals heā€™ll sign it.

Sounds like he wants to be part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

The for or against should be based on the details of the bill.

Thatā€™s why people are calling it the Great McConnell/Trump Shutdown.

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Many people are saying that.

The informed people anyways.

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The ACLU for starters.

This is where mitch livesā€¦gridlock and obstructionā€¦not actually getting anything doneā€¦

This may hurt the gop in 2020

McConnell has shown that for ages. He should have ā€œPart of the Problemā€ engraved on his tombstone.

I read the CU decision yesterday. I donā€™t think any one else here has.

Here is what I would like to see in the amendment:

US citizens only can contriubte to candidates, and ONLY from those in the area they will represent (house members ONLY from their district, senators ONLY from their state).

Any entity (pac, political party, business ect) can do issue oriented advertising only, and may not use the likeness or name of any political candidate or elected official.

No party affiliation on general election ballot, those running for the office in a random order.

Then and only then would you know if the person is representing the people, and if the people know anything about the candidate.

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