Bill Maher and Mike Cernovich actually agree

Was it? Didn’t we just suffer four years under Putin’s puppet?

Not a movie :man_shrugging:

So you weren’t saying it was a fantasy that couldn’t happen in real life? That was what I interpreted it as.

I was. That one was just not made into a movie.

Obvious sillyness is obvious.

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The Vietnam War is not ancient history. But you are right, “Remember the Maine” was the same idea. Use a made up story to justify an extreme response … just like Democrats have done in DC with their barbed wire topped fence to keep the American people out of the Capital.

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Which story about the capitol was made up?

That there was/is an ongoing threat that had to be repelled.

Well, there was–past tense. Are you currently in their intelligence loop?

Maher is right about one thing while we bicker over little things because of tribalism they mostly stand united and are taking over everything.


The incident at the Capital was caused by an assembled group of protesters who were there for a very specific reason, and was allowed to occur because of a woefully inadequate counter response by Capital Security forces. The former situation is no longer present and hasn’t been since Congress voted to certify the election. The second is no longer present, because the DC National Guard has been put on notice that when the Capital Police call for immediate help that it has to be sent pronto. The barbed wire topped fence was an understandable precaution in the first couple of days afterward, but have not been needed because there is no overt threat. Covert threats have always been a concern, particularly since 9/11, yet the fence was never needed to discourage them. Its continued presence a farce and anyone with a lick of sense knows it.

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Who lacks the lick of sense in the capitol police force? Are you privy to their communications?

No … I’m not referring to the capital police, I’m referring to your ilk, who believe everything the government in power says as long as it is the government of your choice.

there are no justifiable threats for it

it’s all theater

Because you are in the loop. Right.

Why do you put words in my mouth? I said nothing about one government or the other. That’s revealing.

are you?

I’m not the one who is whining. Why do you whine?

there are no known threats. the premise of this soviet style barbed wire high fence was because of handful of hooligans on jan 6

no such threat now

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I did not put words in your mouth. Do you not understand what “your ilk” means?

No … because he’s not loopy.