Big Cat Public Safety Act presented to President, who is expected to sign it{"search"%3A["big+Cat+Safety+Act"%2C"big"%2C"Cat"%2C"Safety"%2C"Act"]}&r=1&s=1

Above link is to the final enrolled text of the Big Cat Public Safety Act.

This act severely limits the possession of big cats, African/Asian Lions, Mountain Lions, Leopards, Jaguars, Snow Leopards, Tigers and certain other big cat species (as well as any hybrid of the above species). It also requires either a certain distance be maintained between the public and a tethered big cat or a barrier between the public and an untethered cat. It also strictly limits who can come into direct contact with a big cat, including to trained keepers, veterinarians and others with a direct professional interest in the animal. It also effectively bans circus style acts or Sigfried and Roy style acts.

While it won’t stop people from being stupid, hopefully it will cut down on it.

It would have been interesting to have Roy Horn’s views on this new bill.

His opinion might have changed after 2003.

Glad that there will be no more such acts allowed.

Joe Exotic’s real legacy


Ironically, lions were once native to North America.

Camels too.

no more pizza for Garfield?

I still think the lady (Carol) on that show likely fed her husband to the cats. What a fun show that was.

Well, you could say Garfield is a “big” cat, but I don’t think he falls under the definition of pantherines. :smile:

It was definitely pandemic lockdown fodder. I haven’t watched any of the sequels though.

If only they would post the new law on every deer crossing sign in America they could eliminate two problems at once!

But hey, at least Biden finally did something really useful.