Biden wants to give out $450000 per person for separated illegal migrants

I personally believe the southern border needs to be if not #1 certainly one of the top three issues in our country right now. Inflation is horrible, but the disgusting failure of clueless Joe’s administration at the southern border has created a national security crisis, a humanitarian crisis, is creating an unprecedented drug crises, and will burden Americans for decades to come with thousands and thousands of new low skilled impoverished people costing us billions.

NO responsible president would have ever let this happen on his watch.

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They’re leftover obama phones.


While sending billions to secure the Ukranian border.

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Biden’s border policy is not just stupid…

I don’t see how it’s not criminal to import that many drugs and undocumented people and potential sex slaves, to pour that much money into the pockets of the cartels, to stand by while that many Americans are dying…

I m not sure what the right words are but criminal negligence comes to mind, treason…

Biden’s border policy isn’t just stupid it’s intentionally harming this country and is killing people.


It’s intentional.


Yep…and Mayorkas has a lot to do with it.


Mayorkas is perfect for the Biden cabinet.

Totally incompetent…

That’s the ways Joe’s team rolls.

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He’s very, VERY good at what he’s intentionally doing. Last year over 2 million crossed illegally, some sick with COVID and many purposefully transported to specific parts of the country. This year we’re on pace to break 3 million and those are just the ones they know of? How many more are there that aren’t being counted at all?


I don’t think it’s incompetence. Like the progs say, “It’s a feature, not a bug.”

You are both correct.

It’s intentional…what did Senator Kennedy once say…”when someone acts like they don’t care it’s probably not an act. They just don’t care”

I’m not smart enough to figure out how public policy that completely erases our nations border and lets in all those people and all those drugs isn’t criminally negligent public policy.

And I mean it when I use the word criminal.

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I agree. Why can’t “we the people” sue the Brandon Administration for not enforcing our laws?

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This ruling was last August so why is it the Brandon Administration can just give the SCOTUS it’s middle finger? What ever happened to “checks and balances”?

The #1 issue facing our country is the Southern border. The notion that many on the Left have that we can/should absorb unlimited numbers of all the world’s impoverished citizens and that would be perfectly fine and benefit from it (their here to contribute) is the most asinine thing to believe.


I don’t know Smyrna…

How can this inept incompetent inefficient ineffective administration be allowed to get away with this.

I guess in the end the courts can issue rulings but someone has to endorse the rulings…the people who are the subjects of the rulings have to respect the law and the Constitution enough to respect the courts rulings.

Apparently Democrats don’t suffer the burden of that level of respect.



I just listened to a soundbite on Fox fro that buffoon mayorkas taking about the administration’s preparations for the repeal of title 42…

His answer was some mindnumbed wordsalad about “we won’t be cruel like the previous administration we are rebuilding what the previous administration dismantled” or words to that effect.

Mayorkas might be the single dumbest most out of touch member of an administration I can ever remember.

So how can they say letting all these people over the border illegally is a good thing and in the next breath preach doom and gloom and food shortages, etc.? How the hell do people not see what they are doing?

Wait…I see why on this very forum everyday. Nevermind.


I posted in another thread about the estimates of up to 18000 per day crossing the southern border.

In February alone, 55% of the total encounters at the Southern Border were processed for expulsion under title 42…18000 illegals a day is over 6.5 million for the year…maybe we won’t hit that number but illegal border crossings have already started to increase since the influence peddler in Chief announced the rollback of title 42.

We’ve already been told we aren’t going to have enough food this summer. We already have a homelessness crisis in America…and clueless Joe wants to bring in millions of new people? This is from the National Low Income Housing Coalition… The GAP | National Low Income Housing Coalition

“National Shortage of Affordable Rental Housing
The U.S. has a shortage of 6.8 million rental homes affordable and available to extremely low-income renters, whose household incomes are at or below the poverty guideline or 30% of their area median income. Only 37 affordable and available rental homes exist for every 100 extremely low-income renter households. Extremely low-income renters face a shortage in every state and major metropolitan area, including the District of Columbia. Among states, the supply of affordable and available rental homes ranges from only 20 for every 100 extremely low-income renter households in Nevada to 61 in Mississippi and Wyoming. Among the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the U.S, the supply ranges from 16 affordable and available rental homes for every 100 extremely low-income renter households in Las Vegas, NV to 50 in Providence, RI.”

On top of all the drugs, all the dead Americans because of the drugs, all the human trafficking, there are various estimates of how much $$$ this all costs we the taxpayers every year…and what a slap in the face to the hundreds if thousands of immigrants year who invest the time and money to become citizens the right way.

Biden’s stupid policies on the border are intentional (he said on the campaign trail we can handle an extra 2 million new migrants a year, now he’s pursuing policies that could bring in 4 or 5 or 6 million???).

This kind of intentional incompetence, ignorance of and willful violation of our laws is worthy of removal from office.

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You gotta love the hypocrisy of the Left. Out of one side of their mouth they cry about the poverty and problems in the US, yet they are more than happy to invite as much poverty and problems from all over the world in to the US.