Biden tells media he intends to seek re-election

He should exit gracefully while he can still find the exit.


GAwd. Really bad idea.

He can’t even do that half the time.

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He has to say that, but he won’t. Hopefully Democrats won’t allow it.

Short of a health issue, he’s gonna.

His age is a health issue. It would be a mistake to run him again.

Well, prepare yourself. It’s gonna hapoen

Why are you so confident?

Probably because I am a middle aged, middle class white guy. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Which would result in Kamala making her entrance …

That does not bode well for middle-aged, middle-class white guys …


Okay, We will prepare.


Well he’s had a good two years. An infrastructure bill, the climate change bill, helped strengthen alliances with Europe, strengthened NATO to help Ukraine defeat Russians invasion, brought in the first African American woman Supreme Court justice, releasing cannabis “felons”, no scandals, no coups, I don’t have to think about him too much. Great. But 82 years old in 24? Come on man…let’s get some new blood.




It’s a tad past the week Putin and quite a few posters here thought it would last.

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Well fair enough- moving in that direction. Russia’s evacuating Kherson as we speak- a major blow to Russias invasion. Add about 100 K Russian army dead and wounded casualties. Wouldn’t have happened without NATO support.



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Is that Joe Biden? Like when he was young or something?

It’s his legacy.

Who is that?