Biden’s dogs at the WH

Biden’s dogs show up at the White House.

First dogs in 4 years.

Never trust a guy who doesn’t like dogs.

Good to have dogs back at the White House (and one is a rescue dog—from the outhouse to the White House. Lucky dog.



:+1::+1::+1::+1::+1: …Or if dogs don’t like them.

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Or eagles


Bald Eagles are great. We have some in a secret location in jersey.

Wish I knew where.


The better to sniff them with. lol


I would recommend keeping them out of the shower also.

Far from being a tale of injuring himself (touch football, maybe?) and sustaining hairline fractures to his foot while playing with his dog, Biden now says he injured himself stepping out of his shower, tripping over a rug, chasing his dog, and yanking the creature’s tail.

Yanking an animal’s tail? Like, why? You never yank an animal’s tail.

Poor dogs…watch your tails.

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Well, the dog has an abusive owner, soooo… :man_shrugging:


Better to tug on Superman’s cape.


Just don’t spit in the wind or take the mask off the old Lone Ranger and Don’t mess around with Jim!

The key to spitting into the wind is a 45° upward trajectory in order to blast the person behind you.

Excellent! It give the press something to talk about! I can’t wait to hear Jen get grilled about Joe’s dogs.

BTW, are they service dogs?


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Always…It goes right over your head onto theirs…

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If Obama ever comes to visit, someone better keep an eye out that he doesn’t eat them

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poor trump. people don’t like him. animals don’t lilke him. perhaps melania doesn’t like him either. pretty sad existence. :rofl:

Where exactly is there a requirement that a candidate for POTUS be married? Or have a pet?

Or even be liked or have a happy life? He was selected to fulfill the duties of Commander in Chief of the U S Armed Forces, not win a popularity contest.

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“Pull my tail”


Erp. That’s what it came down to.


Which is the dog that he tripped on naked.


Really? I find them rather tough and gamey.