Biden officially launches bid for President

He’s everything that the progressives love to hate.

  1. He’s old

  2. He’s white

  3. He’s male

Those things alone should be enough for him to be treated with contempt. Yes, I know that Bernie is all of these things too. But Bernie gets a pass because he really, really hates the rich and wants them punished. He also believes that all wisdom comes from government and government should control the people, not the other way around.
Back to Joe.

Getting too up close and personal with young girls does not look good. Plus in order to keep up with the progressives, he has had to change his mind on nearly all of his views. Going where the wind blows. He will most certainly offer a female Veep. Probably someone 30 or 40 years younger than him. Attractive and very huggable.

So why Joe?

There’s no way to answer your question without changing your understanding of progressives.

“Why should humans be considered mammals when they don’t lay eggs like Monotremes do?”

Why are there 2 threads on Joe Biden?

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This is a really easy question!!! So I log in. Scroll down looking for new Biden threads and don’t see any. Then. as soon as I post mine, the other one pops tp the top of the list. And there you have it. Two Biden threads. :open_mouth:

lol “omg like literallly” is this a real question?

That’s an assumption. Take a shot at answering the question. And if I do not understand, I will ask for clarification. Fair enough?

He will offer Trump hate… Oh, and to repeal and replace Obama care.

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lol, omg like this is literally a real reply.

This is a really easy question!!! So I log in. Scroll down looking for new Biden threads and don’t see any. Then. as soon as I post mine, the other one pops tp the top of the list. And there you have it. Two Biden threads. :open_mouth:

You like?

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I can’t believe a lefty would ask why there’s so many Biden threads. Nevermind I can believe it

Moderate/centrist appeal. Rust belt cred. Experience. High approval with African Americans.

Progressives don’t hate people for being old male and white but cool strawman, bro.

Bernie is running for president and leading in the polls, which destroys this silly assumption.

The “grab 'em by the ■■■■■■ crown suddenly acquired morals.

Biden clearly states he is running against fat donald. He is not running against other Democrats. He is not running to change the system. He is running against fat donald.

Well it’s certainly a lot easier for them than answering the question.

When I read postings like this I realize there are other sleepy people

No one cares.

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Sorry dude. They are definitely running against Joe. Do you think that Fat Liz or fat Corey are not going to go after him?

Its on the same topic, Joe Biden running for President.

It can’t be any simpler than that.

Then again, I’ve seen responses to the Mueller report.

Well buckle in. There will be many more threads on JB.

Good, why don’t you also start a thread on Joe Biden running.

Kind of mash the two existing threads together.

Sorry bro, Biden is the anti-fat donald candidate that conservatives on the fence will likely vote for.

Why Joe?
Because the bolded parts are not true.

Do you understand?