Biden is dropping out

It’s right on schedule. All a part of the programming.

Really hard to tell any of these people apart sometimes, huh?


Just look at how fast they threw their boi under the bus. Power is an amazing drug.

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That is his legacy.

Let’s Go Brandon…There he went…tapped out…Trump beat him this time.


Dr. Jills head is still spinning.

They are not done yet…they manipulators have completely subverted the vote.

Save our Mockracy!


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Those fools got Biden to tap out and take a loss to Trump.


Kamala is up next.

Good luck with that!

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The single males are already blowing that imaginary horn by the way. Maybe they’ll even get a date for being so heroic. :rofl:




Hakeem Jeffries…

Have not endorsed a Harris candidacy.

There’s reporting from politico about how Pelosi has been behind the scenes orchestrating Biden’s exit…

This thing ain’t over yet. Harris better not get too comfortable as the “nominee”.

The “defenders of Democracy” my ass.


Convicted BY WHOM and FOR WHAT and HOW.

Once you put these 3 items through a washer you come up with a true answer.

Once the SCOTUS, and more importantly, IF the SCOTUS puts their stamp on those “convictions” come back and we’ii talk.
Till then…the Left pulled one over on Trump.
Wait…it aint finished till the fat lady sings.

You Guys?

I had nothing to do with this.

Are you upset for Biden on his behalf?

Appealed to him, obviously. Before he owned the Supreme Court, it was in Trump’s interest ot make nice with prosecutors I suppose.

You’re kicking dirt on his political grave.

We see you.

Man… the Let’s go Brandon crowd is really upset that the old guy stepped down.

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This is just bizarre.

You don’t like Joe Biden.


kamala is ready to go to the mattresses.


I implored you guys not to dump biden.

You’ll regret it.

I’ll be laughing.

By the way…did y’all notice all the Dem mouthpieces…Warren and swalwell and that Chris coons idiot praising the selflessness of Joe Biden for his courageous act of stepping aside …

What a load of horse ■■■■

The Biden’s spent 50 years milking the system for all they could get…I’m worried about how poor Jim and Hunter Biden are going to pay their bills without influence with Joe to peddle.

Democrats are superficial frauds.


Harris is in control now.

She is in charge of the $ and heir to the delegates.

Democrats would be well advised to stop digging (manipulating.)

Once again.

I had nothing to do with it.

Superficial fakey fake frauds one and all.
