Biden / HARRIS Policy Discussion

  1. Forgive college debt - fine. Nurses first, then doctors. 50% with 2 years of service in. If they caught COVID, recovered and went back - 100%.

If they volunteered to go to a hot spot - 100%

Any truck driver kids - 25%

Debt forgiveness is likely just another wealth transfer to the asset holding class

Irrelevant. It is a policy plank.

What? I just commented on the policy and a likely outcome of it. In what world is that irrelevant? What exactly are we supposed to post here?

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I see benefits on both ends.

I’m 100% on board with student loan forgiveness. I think they should target health and education first.


I would be fine with a blanket jubilee on all student debt.

That’s obviously the best solution but if we have to compromise then I say let’s make it pandemic essential workers.

  1. Climate Change

No. Knock it off.

It’s neater to just erase the federal loans, rather than beefing up the government to go and find out who qualifies for this and that. Also, from the economic standpoint, blanket relief frees up more money in the middle and working class.

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Yeah… that would be acceptable… but the idea is to alleviate an economy dragging debt burden. I am not sure why some arbitrary feel good measure needs to be attached to that.

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Those of us who saved and had college funds etc. to pay for our child’s college tuition are suckers I guess. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Someone gets free college while others sacrifice for theirs.


I did all of that too.

That is no reason to continue on a path that includes unsustainable economy dragging debt.


Do we tell banks not to lower interest rates because we may have paid 11% interest on a home loan in the 80s?

Do we tell cell phone companies to stop advancing data speeds because we paid more for dialup in 1998?


I think study incentives are fine if that’s the motivation, but the boundary of the policy enactment may pose equity challenges. Sometimes that is a tough luck situation, though.

Neither of those situations gives either party a free ride.

You are asking responsible people to pay for their college while telling irresponsible people they can have theirs for free because they racked up so much debt.


Then many places could raise their rents.

The best solution helps the most people, is the easiest to administer, and provides the largest boost to the economy.

But that’s not how we do things. There’s going to be arbitrary restrictions and complications placed on it–just to sate the same cultural animosities that capped the SALT deduction.

Then maybe select career that has a demand.


How is paying off student loan debt “a free ride”? I’ve been my student loans for 7 years. Definitely not free. Have 3 years left.

Taking out loans for education is now considered irresponsible? Funny coming from the “small businesses are foundational” crowd