This was not unexpected, what was unexpected was the uncoupling of Medicaid Redetermination from the PHE which now allows states to redetermine eligibility and effective 04/01 start dis enrolling those who no longer qualify.
I feel sorry for the people at my doctor and dentist office for being the last to have to wear masks all day, that don’t work, so elected dems can feel of powerful.
The nice thing about masks is it instantly shows who the kooks are … The complaints and hystericals…
If the vax worked, people who got it would not get covid and the CDC would not have changed the definition of a vaccine. Dems seem to love big pharma these days…
The Bidens, Fucci, and CDC Director Walensky have all tested positive twice even though they have gotten all the boosters and took the Pfizer wonder drug.
The public health emergency is real. The emergency is the ridiculous bait-and-switch from federal authorities used to maximize profits for Pfizer and Moderna.
By the Pfizer wonder drug, I was referring to Paxlovid, which has shown an amazingly high rate of reinfections among high government officials. It is a wonder how it got approved.
They absolutely should be tested for Covid, flu etc.
As part of my green card process I had to undergo a full physical which included screening for a wide range of communicable diseases.
These sorts of decisions are own goals that are easily avoided with a modicum of common sense. But hey no one ever accused politicians of being too intelligent.