Beto's accomplishments? - "We don't know"

Take a look in the mirror PF.

It wouldn’t even let you correct incorrect auto corrections for an hour or so.

Every time I would correct it and save it, it just went right back.

I think you’re right but it’ll be more than that. I think Beto blew it. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Last I saw it had gone from likely +6-8 back into the more probably 9-15pt spread.

Beto really tanked in the debates the was gutted by the fact checkers and the numbers seemed to move pretty fast from there.

Of course this was all coincidental with the Kavanaugh momentum starting to build.

If he doesn’t win comfortably I’ll be reall shocked but hell, anything can happen in politics.

At least he got his name on the map. He’ll be back against Abbott or Cornyn and maybe run a better campaign. He’s a flaming liberal. I don’t see him ever winning in Texas.
But, IF he wins this one, he’ll be in the 2020 primaries.

He’s on the map but he’s permanently ruined his name with everyone but the left.

Not the result he was hoping for.

What he will do is be able to get a lot of future campaign money out of this which was probably all he was ever after anyhow.

I read he’s over $60 million. The DNC is trying to get him to share it with other lefties who are in trouble and he won’t do it.

If he doesn’t, he’ll have a hell of a time ever getting any more and to win anything in this state that’s not even a good start for a democrat.

I watched the video.

I’m surprised that the “reporter” didn’t get body slammed for sticking his microphone in those people’s faces.


He’s raised 3x more money than Cruz has. He had enough money he just spent it in the wrong places. He tried the Trudeau peace and love gambit. His only hope now is a massive, successful push to get out the Mexican, Black and college kid vote.

THat’s the thing, it takes 4-5x as much for a dem to even have a chance in a statewide race here.

I’m pretty sure he hit all the right places, the problem is the candidate and the voting demographics.

He just doesn’t represent Texas.

Cruz will win, and it won’t be as close as dems think/hope. Texas republicans prefer a do nothing coward who talks tough. It’s why they’ll vote for Cruz and adore Trump.

Ya I dont see Cruz losing. Orourke is kind of a weirdo

It’s also why TN will elect Blackburn. Right wing shills are preferred, here, to people with proven track records of success.

Bogeymen are scary.

That’s correct.

I prefer a do nothing to someone who wants to raise taxes and wants to throw open the gates.

Really provides some fantastic insight into how clueless the lib mob is. Clearly the result of their clueless Deep State public screwels. Clueless libs are just so clueless.

Indeed. The liberal mob are like emotional driven sheep. All they need is people like mad Maxine or bitching Booker to stir up emotions and the mob comes to life.

I guess you’ve missed all of trump’s rallies. But don’t worry. There’s a whole lot more lined up for you.

The cost of conservative freedom and prosperity is eternal vigilance against the lib mob and their Fifth Column enablers.

Remember to check your six and stay frosty, Fellow Patriot. :us: