Bernie's workers want $15 an hour

Imagine if it had been Trump…

Hey Bernie! The Living Wage begins at home!

Refresh my memory. I seem to remember she is some kind of crook.

So what we learned is the libs don’t care it is just a campaign slogan and give them salary to equal 15 an hour or more, but work them way more hours then that so it equals a lot less then that.

Sweat shop workers get to voice their concerns over long hours and get their hours reduced with the same salary? You guys failed, now you’re reaching.

New campaign slogan: Negotiate workers at $36k a year and overwork the heck out of them.

Ebeneezer Sanders

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No, they agreed to a salary contract with a union in May. The hours got too long over the last month, so they renegotiated and are now having hours reduced while keeping the same pay.

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Lol you didn’t pull a muscle with that stretch did you? They negotiated their salary and they didn’t figure the work hours required.

Exactly but hey we don’t don’t understand salary lol

Yea so they screwed up

Because its salary. And they cut hours at the request of the staff.

Yep, that’s the reason the campaign renegotiated…because they didn’t want the workers not getting paid a decent hourly wage. And it was quick too. Apparently one day after the article was on Newsweek.

You dont know how many or why are working x amount of hours beyond 40

They haven’t cut hours yet that I have seen.

Lol so now it matters how many. What about the “every person deserves a living wage”

Wow…Sanders is a monster…

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No. I’m saying in the context of the contract and the campaign as a whole, you simply dont know the circumstances and context of who and why certain people are working more than 40 hours a week on salary.

A salary of $36000 is a livable wage in most places. At 40 hours a week its $17+. Do you know what salaries are?

It is a ■■■■■■■ campaign. Everybody works long hours.