Bernie Sanders looking and acting like old Communist

god I hope the republicans primary trump.

Same here. I’m not sure if that will be possible though.

Not even remotely possible

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It appears that the USA is mimicking China more than China is mimicking the USA.

Not a good shift from 10-20 years ago.



We know 20 years ago they denied being the party of adultry and now they embrace it.
We know 10 years ago they denied being the party of fiscal irresponsibility and now they embrace it
What will they embrace today?

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Indeed. I’m starting to think democrats are modeling themselves more like China model.

We do know they want to stifle any and all opposition, We know they want to punish people for not thinking like them.

How long will it be before they start acting more like Communist? Specially those that threaten their rule?

How original…but again imitation is greatest from of flattery.

Oh you won’t have to wait at all. It’s already full blown communism. I can feel it in my bones.

Well I am making sure I don’t get a time out for broadbrushing.
I figure if you say it, it must be ok

Authoritarians that have all the guns and allow good rewards for loyalty do get the planes to fly on time.

Individual liberty is so…yesterday.


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Wait wait. I thought we were OK with our politicians saying nice things about authoritarian regimes now. Has that changed?

What individual liberties did you have yesterday that you don’t have today?

And contempt mods…specially out in open forum will also get you a time out.

Be forewarned.

Try as I might I still can’t find video of Bernie praising a commie dictator …

You silly goose. He’s praising China’s free market reforms.

Your freedom depends on how much you kiss their asses.

Why would I want contempt of mod? I am specifically responding in the way that ensures I am following mod guidance and rules?

He looks like Doc Brown from Back to the Future doesn’t he?! :rofl:

He looks even worse.
