BATF Chief has No Idea What an Assault Weapon Is

Yet they want to ban, well something?


Okay, so tell us. What is an assault weapon?

Interesting, not a single weapon in my house qualifies as an “assault” anything. :man_shrugging:


Black and scary looking?

Okay, that seems easy enough. He shoulda said that.

Technically there is no such thing as an assault rifle. The term seems to be coined from the German Sturmgewehr 44 (StG 44) Sturmgewehr translates literally as storm. But its often used translation into English is “assault” in place of the word storm. Its characteristic was selective rate of fire (full auto or semi auto) and magazine fed to accommodate the full auto rate without having to reload as often. The M16/M16A2/M4 also have a selective fate of fire. Civilian ARs don’t have selective rates of fire.


But he didn’t. Like the majority of J’Biden’s Cabinet members, or high office holders they haven’t a clue as to what the ■■■■ they’re doing. In this cement head’s case, he doesn’t even know which end of the tube the round comes out of!

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Ah. It is kind of hard to define something that doesn’t exist.

Gun control advocates have long tried to create a definition for the term. Essentially they want to make semi-automatic light rifles illegal for private citizens to possess. They have tried to use the appearance of the weapons to define them as “weapons of war.” They used things like bayonet lugs and folding stocks and how the sights were mounted on the rifle to make a narrative about “weapons of war.”


So there you have it.

Selective rate of fire is what sets apart the standard issue rifles of every army since the late 60s. Bayonets are like your appendix, no real function in modern warfare. The stock and weight are for convenience. The ability to increase the rate of fire in the defense is what full automatic allows. The ability to fire bursts at close range. And it takes a trained soldier to use that fire setting effectively. Weapons with automatic/burst capability are already restricted without a special license.

Let’s start with what is not an assault rifle. A semi-automatic action rifle is not an assault rifle. Since the late 60s early '70s, no modern military in the world issues semi-automatic rifles to assault troops.

And since none of the rifles being called “assault weapons” by those who want to ban them, operate without firing only one shot with each pull of the trigger, that’s all you need to know about the definition of an assault rifle. In other words, NONE of the guns they want to ban are in fact, “assault weapons.”

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Face it, the Biden administration doesn’t know what woman is, expecting them to know anything about guns may be too much to ask. :wink:

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That is precisely what the so-called 1994 Assault Weapons Ban was. And libs today still think it actually banned the guns were equipped with those features and decry that it expired in 2004. They were duped into believing it actually banned guns, when in fact, it banned features that scared them.


Just the kind of stuff one would expect the Director of the ATF to know, isn’t it.


Here’s a laugh. It’s a couple of years old, but I am confident that nothing has changed among that ilk. I’m sure they still believe every word.

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Assault weapon
Banging hammer
Cutting scissors
Poking needle
Fattening spoon

Let’s all invent pointless terms that have zero definition and meaning.


Intelligent Progressive.

Articulate and bright and clean too. :wink:

Plastic. With those thingys on it.

ar15 chick pew

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It’s any and every weapon those attempting to overturn the 2nd Amendment want to label as such.