Barricades were just put up outside the Manhattan federal courthouse at 500 Pearl Street

Even better - he’s got a live rally!

I wonder if Kelly will have to drag him off the stage?

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Be pretty interesting if all we ended up with here was Trump in trouble for trying to cover up an affair. Why does that sound familiar? And then I don’t know, the house impeaching and the Senate not convicting. Wait, I think I saw that movie before.

Who says it’s over?

Does it matter?

Not me. Why?

If someone ordered Cohen to make payments that violate campaign finance laws then yes that does matter.

Very much.


Cohen is a lawyer…he should have informed that individual about the laws. That is why you hire attorney for.

But then Cohen breaks the law?

Sorry that nod rest on his head…not Trump.

Cohen is barely an attorney. Have you been following the show this season?


I love watching you get played…well…maybe not played…there is no difference honestly

Yep, recordings and documents will show that’s exactly what happened.

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“My lawyer didn’t tell me it was illegal” is not a valid defense for anything.

Trump could theoretically sue Cohen for malpractice, but that’s it.

We have the tapes where they talk about sending money…

Please keep digging that hole deeper…

Not really.

Either way good luck in trying to make it stick…you’re going to be laugh out of the court.

If you happen to know–even in passing–any smart, wealthy, worldly people, with complex personal, financial, and business arrangements, they generally don’t hire lawyers with a professional profile like Michael Cohen’s. :slight_smile:

So you’re a attorney wannabe.

What would YOU do if someone ask to to do something that you know is illegal?

This. Telling someone to do something illegal(even if they’re a lawyer) and they do it, part of that is on you. Involving a lawyer isn’t like using some magic wand that clears you of any wrongdoing.

Lol…this is just sad…

If someone instructs a subordinate to break the law, they are just as legally culpable.