Barr’s Justice Department Sent Immigration Judges A White Nationalist Blog Post With Anti-Semitic Attacks

Have you ever used one of these services?

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I know how the internet and search algorithms work. You have to try to get content like this.

Have you ever used one of these services?

Having gone to look at the site because of this thread, it seem rather heavily centered around immigration (from a white nationalist standpoint). Obviously some word associated with immigration brought it up. My guess is that system will be changed.

No, I have no idea what this specific vendor has implemented. But they use the World Wide Web. I know how sites are connected. I know how ranking algorithms work. I know you have to curate your search to scrape the bottom of the barrel like this. Sites like these don’t oops to the top.

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It doesn’t matter if the words “immigration judge” show up on a website 1 billion times, that has no bearing on the likelihood of that site showing up in search results. Sites don’t just magically show up in search results. It’s a matter of connectedness. Sites can only be ranked if they are known. They are only know if they are linked to by other sites. Their ranking in search results is largely effected but the number of reputable sites that are linked to them (this is a gross oversimplification). A site like vdare is not going to be anywhere close to a top result in a search for “immigration judge”. There has to be a specific curation of search criteria for that to be the case.

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To carry this discussion further it would be necessary to trace down the 3rd party contractor that did this and get details from them.
Let us know what you find.

My evaluation would be that an Obama-Clinton devotee in the DoJ is doing this, trying to make the DoJ appear extreme right-wing partisan so as to discredit any actions it takes against The Obama-Clintonites for crimes as politically motivated. There ARE some damning reports about to hit the news cycle. The globalists are getting out ahead of the real facts, by generating their pseudo-fact based narrative. Find the individual who sent the offending material and sack them.

No, it would be necessary for both of us to just have a basic understanding of how the internet works.


This looks like an unfortunate and inappropriate error by a third party vendor. I don’t believe there is any nefarious intent whatsoever by the Justice Department. Steps should be taken to ensure this doesn’t happen again and that should be the end of it.


Then you don’t know what you’re talking about. Have a nice night.

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I know exactly what I’m talking about. They don’t use some alternate internet.

The internet is not some magical black box where you type words in and get links to random blog posts back.


It’s one of the better known white nationalist outlets, the idea was to try and offer a quasi-intellectual front for their propaganda to give it an air of legitimacy.

To get Vdare to pop up at the top of a search takes some effort.

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yes they certainly have. they are pulling out all the stops to craziness

this looks like a big thread fail.

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It is always someone else fault with TrumpFlakes… Nothing but Offensive linemen blocking… Somewhere in DC there’s a very tired, very over-worked spin doctor that’s two more stories away from a mental breakdown.

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Can’t wait to do a keyword anaylsis of that blog post and provide page rank results based on those keywords. Then we’ll see what the likelihood of this post showing up as a top item in this email simply being an “oops”.


What isn’t surprising, is your comments of drama, that are not accurately representing the truth. You’re being fed, then you come here and regurgitate your feelings. That’s baaaa, baaaa, baaaad my friend.

After publication of this article, EOIR Assistant Press Secretary Kathryn Mattingly told BuzzFeed News “the daily EOIR morning news briefings are compiled by a contractor and the blog post should not have been included. The Department of Justice condemns Anti-Semitism in the strongest terms.”

A former senior DOJ official said that the email in question was “generated by a third-party vendor that utilizes keyword searches to produce news clippings for staff. It is not reviewed or approved by staff before it is transmitted.”

Did you have the same concerns when the DNC “outsourced” the investigation into the hacking of the their servers to a private cyber security company Crowdstrike? Probably not! :roll_eyes: Obama’s FBI accepted the Crowdstrike report without verifying it! Who in the Government would do that!

I have not been paying attention to the Hillary or DNC stuff.