Baltimore Public Schools--ZERO students proficient in math. Newark 3rd Graders--75% cannot read

Did somebody ask "how bad can it get?
Life Lesson: Don’t ever ever ever ask that question

But home schoolers will do worse. /s

No wonder so many people from the east coast sound so stupid when they flap their lips. :rofl:



thems knead murr Eboniks

I wonder how many of their parents are.

The future was laid out in the movie idiocracy, all the dumb people had multiple kids and the intelligent people who succeeded didn’t have children because of cost, kind of the way it is now.


I am a former ESL teacher (and con-founded a chinese language afterschool program) from a family of teachers. I don’t have the statistical evidence in front of me but I am 100% convinced that good school can effectively teach the children of uneducated parents.

It’s a hell of a lot harder when

  • the neighborhoods suck too
  • when the kids are older
  • etc.

But if it were impossible to teach the children of uneducated parents then we might as well close down the public schools in bad neighborhoods or, at least, bar the children of uneducated parents from attending.

Yes a child’s attitude and behavior have a lot to do with education, these they bring to school with them.

The “easiest” way to make a change would be to end social promotion. Students who do not test at grade level should fail and repeat the grade. That would do a lot to change the attitudes of parents and students.

of course, uneducated people are easier to control…


My Mom and Aunt were career Elementary Teachers. And they both had the same complaint during the 1970’s. And that was that as the State (California) And Federal guys started to dictate what was going to be taught and the specific time-frame in which it would happen, the level of education went down. Both my Mom and Aunt were taught to be teachers in the late 1930’s as were a lot of their co-workers. They knew their stuff and how to handle the kids. I also spent a few years as a High School Teacher after I got out of College. And we all came to the same conclusion. There are a whole bunch of folks in charge of education that have high level degrees but have not spent one day in the classroom I was not surprised when my two daughters graduated High School and neither one of them knew how to balance a checkbook.


Comes in two forms

1 Standardized tests are usually a state thing.
As a general rule the teachers in my family (myself included) hold no objection to standardized tests. They are developed by teachers, as are the textbooks, and it is all one continuum. The subset of teacher who complain about “teaching to the test” are those who either cannot teach or who want to teach their agenda instead of reading, math, ESL etc…

  1. Additions to the curriculum
    Can be entirely different. That is where state or federal officials are likely to insert politics. My dad taught Phys Ed an health. I’d have to imagine school health classes today are nothing at all like health classes of the 1970s.
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poor children cant read. most of the children in Newark and Baltimore come from poor backgrounds.


What a stupid post.


Both of those are facts.


Should we stop sending poor kids to schools? It is after all a waste of time right?

Hmm that doesn’t make sense. Several civilizations, including the US used to be able to teach poor kids to read and do elementary level math,


Obviously not a good idea. Let’s not throw out the baby with the bath water.
Perhaps we should start by asking do the schools successfully teach poor kids anything? anything at all?
Do our schools successfully teach

  • transgender rights,
  • whitey is unfair, he destroyed the Indians and now he is coming for you
  • corporations are evil they are making you poor and they are destroying the planet

and then ask why do our schools successfully teach those things but not basic reading.


If we send each kids family $1 million or $3 million or $10 million will the kids learn to read?

I doubt it. Were all kids rich before? In the 1920s? In the 1800s? In the 1970s?

Poverty may coincide with the problem but poverty does not cause it and ending poverty will not solve it.


this is why democrats want them voting from their bullet holed living room

“dont get up we’ll come round up the ballots”

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No, they are not facts. It is not a fact that “poor children can’t read.”

Okay fair enough
But I inferred what he meant.

Children who can’t read, will become poor adults. Poor adults are often the results of the poor decisions of their parents…and the circle of poor continues.

can we say “failed welfare state?”

SEL and CASEL - critical pedagogy as well.

It’s a feature, not a bug. And it’s cruel.