Assuming that we cannot infinitely deficit spend, what will become of the US economy?

From the recent link I posted:

RIYADH, Dec 9 (Reuters) - President Xi Jinping told Gulf Arab leaders on Friday that China would work to buy oil and gas in yuan, a move that would support Beijing’s goal to establish its currency internationally and weaken the U.S. dollar’s grip on world trade.

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I worry about this too.

Since it’s all fake, I wonder if at some point, they will just wipe their hands and reset the debt clock.

Weren’t we told a number of years ago that deficits don’t matter?


Good! About time!

I thought this articulated the current situation well:

Here’s another question. Economies are very dependent upon the capability and work ethic of the labor pool. There’s a reason so many countries are poverty stricken crime infested ■■■■■■■■■ decade after decade. Will our new generations have the work ethic and capability to keep America in the forefront economically?

In answering this, do you think we’ll sound like our grandfathers? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

China has had this goal for years. It is one of the reasons that they have been seeking trade agreements where the trade settles in their currency and moved to create a deby market for instruments denominated in their currency.

Yes Libs say it all the time.

Every country is in debt. We’re all on the same boat.

To whom do we owe the money? and what muscle do they really have to call in those debts?,5753,-6754,00.html

So did one Dick Cheney.

Not surprising you are completely misinterpreting what he meant when he said it.

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Floor’s yours. And don’t go clutching your pearls. Both sides do it all the time.

Why is the floor mine? You made the claim and didn’t know what it meant. If both sides say it all the time it should be easy for you to find one that actually means what you think. It is obvious why you didn’t link to him saying it because it would have proven you wrong in the context it was said.

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Until the point comes when they do. How close are we to that point?

Now that is a very, very good question considering the following:


“Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring class of mankind, none have been more effectual than that which deludes them with paper money. This is the most effectual of inventions to fertilize the rich man’s field by the sweat of the poor man’s brow.”_____ Daniel Webster.

The reality is that no single person has much control over a global economy with millions of moving parts. Regarding inflation though it depends on the school of thought one believes. There’s clearly the school of thought, mostly on the right, that the massive government spending is what drove inflation. Those on the left argue that government spending has little to nothing to do with inflation. Heck there’s plenty of those on the left that would like to see more government spending to fix inflation. That’s why I started this thread as means to discuss this:

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OTOH . . . .
When tough times are coming a good leader channels his inner Winston churchill, or Jimmy Carter, or Abraham Lincoln of James T Kirk and says “Prepare for this. It’s going to be tough protect your family but we will get through this and be stonger on the other side.”

Joe Biden OTOH is saddened that people when people prepare for a storm sohe tells them “Don’t prepare.” When a house is on fire it’s a shame that people run outside into the cold. He tells them “It’s safe. Go back inside.” (insert Jaws reference here.)

His consistent policy has been to talk up the economy and give deliberately-bad advice

What’s another $1.7 trillion before you get canned…eh libs? This is absolutely out of control and McConnel is pure establishment trash!

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The overwhelming reality of politics today is ALL ABOUT SPIN! The fact is that most of these politicians are rather mediocre people who - contrary to what most libs believe - are not really all that smart and by no means special. Just keep the morons believing that Government has all the answers and can solve everyone’s problems! It’s all about the messaging! Now here’s the thing IF (and oh what a big IF) we can infinitely deficit spend then maybe government can solve all our problems and even all the world’s problems as well. Therein lies the question, what happens to the economy if government cannot just pump all that funny money into everyone’s pocket?

Everything I’m reading is predicting a bad 2023:

More than a third of the global economy will see two consecutive quarters of negative growth, while the three largest economies — the United States, the European Union and China — will continue to slow, the report said.

“Next year is going to feel painful,” Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, the IMF’s chief economist, told CNBC on Tuesday on the back of the report. “There’s going to be a lot of slowdown and economic pain,” he said.

I think it could very well linger on much longer.