Assassination Attempt on the Former President

Well that guy will be spending the rest of his life in prison.

I did. Rhetoric coming from the leftā€¦it was only a matter of time. This is what happens when you try to convince people that Trump is Hitler.


Dont be stupid. I mean if we are going down that route I could say it was planned by Trump to get the sympathy vote.

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If it had been aimed center mass chest he would be dead. Unless he wears a vest.

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First we need to know heā€™s going to be OK.

Iā€™m sure he wears at least a Kevlar under vest. I would assume all candidates do.

Hopefully it just skimmed his ear. But the shooter was really trying.


Thatā€™s what it looks like, it sounded like airgun to me. What do you think?

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He will be. He walked off stage.

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It was required for candidates back in 2004, so Iā€™d assume they still do now.

Hereā€™s a link:

For all we know, MAGA got hold of him and is dead now laying in pool of blood.

I havenā€™t listened to the audio yet.

It was reported he is ok. Now how did the fire arm get in a screened event?

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Yeah itā€™s possible. Wouldnā€™t be the first time. The guy who shot McKinley got beat half to the death by a random black guy.

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if so then prob not cia. yet

I was being facetious.

Yeah, with his fist in the air.

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Somebody probably failed at their job. Or it could have been disassembled and carried by multiple people and then put together. Or it was stashed on site a few weeks ago once it was announced.

I think he does wear a vest. He had talked about it before.