Assassination Attempt on the Former President

Would like to see the title revised from “former” to President Elect or 47th President.

Two term Trump now.


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Or a picture

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Perhaps, but I doubt it. Initially Republicans would have rallied around him (like the Dems did with Kamalam,) but he did not (and does not) have the depth of support that Trump has.

untrue. aligning a broad political movement with cultism plays too loosely with what constitutes a cult. are 77 mil people in a cult?

You realize there can be more thn one cult :rofl:

77 million are not MAGA.

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Critprog is a cult, but a strange one. Atypical.

I voted for trump and it is really obvious his base is a cult if you actually listen and watch them.

Trumps been a conman his entire career but at least he hopefully wont try to regulate the internet and push censorship.

Not everyone or even the majority who voted trump is part of the cult.

They are more annoying of a cult thn maga. I think that is what decided the election. Which base is more annoying.

I wonder if dems will learn anything.


Heads will explode


The trump hate group is also extremely culty. Im really confused about what caused the extreme hate and love of trump. He just isnt that interesting or smart that i get devoting your life around.

At least boy bands are attractive.

As someone who is agnostic this entire movement proved that America needs Jesus. Worshiping him is much more productive thn these ■■■■■■ cults

I mean, he does deserve it. Nobody else really comes close.

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Correct. Best I can tell, only about 30% of Trump voters consider themselves MAGA conservatives.


that’s a political slogan

in what way?

what is so “obvious”

Everyone one of you people sound like a bunch of broken birds clucking at the farmer with your new little buzzword.

“CuLt CULT cult CUlt!” :rofl:


Bet they didn’t think of themselves as a cult when they all but worshipped Obummer! :roll_eyes:


“You’re a cult!”

No, you’re a cult!"

:musical_note: With a CULT! CULT! here, and a CULT! CULT there… :musical_note:


He used to be their boy and he switched sides and beat them.


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