As Always, Socialism Impoverished Everyone

…well, everyone EXCEPT the leaders & cronies…DON’T THINK THE LEFT HERE WON’T DO THE SAME! THEY WILL.

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Yes…because Venezuela is your average Socialist country. Tell us how impoverished Scandinavia and the rest of Europe is.

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Scandinavian countries were never socialist countries. They are capitalist countries with strong social welfare programs. Venezuela nationalized assets and ran off foreign investors. It is a socialist country.


Is the US in Scandinavia or Europe?

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How many times do they have to tell you they are capitalists before you believe them?


Wait… What?

So we CAN have a more robust social safety net without full blown SOCIALISM?

Say it ain’t so.


Are you Scandinavian?

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Is it even remotely like Venezuela?

Well we can, if we get rid of our military and pay most of our wages in taxes anyway.


Yes. Venezuela before. Very much so and more so every day.

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Nordic nations—and especially Sweden—did embrace socialism between around 1970 and 1990. During the past 30 years, however, both conservative and social democratic-led governments have moved toward the center. Today, the Nordic social democrats have adopted stricter immigration policies, tightened eligibility requirements for welfare benefit systems, taken a tougher stance on crime, and carried out business-friendly policies.

Emphasis mine. The very opposite of current US prog policy.


Why would you want more than what we have?

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Why is that funny to you?

Because it’s a ridiculous statement…Explain how we’re anything like Venezuela.

Today, the Nordic social democrats have adopted stricter immigration policies, tightened eligibility requirements for welfare benefit systems, taken a tougher stance on crime, and carried out business-friendly policies.

And another bit

As a result of the shift away from low-tax policies, however, economic growth stagnated.

Today, Nordic nations still have higher taxes and more generous welfare systems than most parts of the world. But since the 1990s, Sweden and other Nordic nations have focused on strengthening those norms of social responsibility again by increasing the control of public welfare systems, reducing generosity in the welfare models, and lowering taxes.

Indeed, many Nordic policies now promote free trade and free enterprise.

What you advocate failed. They moved away from it and continue to do so.

Which political philosophy advocates those principles Scandinavia is operating with now?


What was Venezuela like in 1988?

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When everyone gives their best efforts to work, supply the finances for their loved ones and family, satisfy their needs plus save for their wants…all unitedly electrifying their economy with their fellow workers and entrepreneurs, that’s capitalism. There is no better economy…period.

Now for those that choose NOT to give their best efforts, take on the responsibility of supplying the finances for their loved ones, pay for their needs and wants are out the window…you have the weak way of socialism. If that’s your desire, get the ■■■■ out of here. The US is for those that choose to apply their best efforts…period.

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And such people are also the most charitable people in the world. They give to others…more than the Nordic countries do. The attempt to present those countries as more compassionate is dishonest.


Like the old cowboys used to say…

grass is greener

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