ARRESTED: Black man who filled water cup with soda

The man in the mug shot doesn’t appear to be black.:upside_down_face:

He must be. Stuff like this doesn’t happen to white people.

A race-baiting thread by CMI? Color me shocked!

See what I did there? It’s a pun. What a tragic waste of oxygen you’ve turned out to be.

A touch of witzelsucht


Womp Womp.

They seem to think we react to headlines without reading the content. This is what you call “projection”.

Yes. Projection.

Stuff like what, exactly?

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So if anyone had any doubt about the OP’s purpose here, exhibit #2456.

I can’t keep track of how often cons here post links where it’s obvious they didn’t bother to read their own links. I think it has to do with short attention spans and no intellectual curiosity.

As soon as their bias is confirmed they run with it.

Trolls are gonna troll, its the way of things.

But this is EXACTLY the same as a person acting in an unruly manner so OF COURSE it’s a good case study for “this kind of stuff happening to whites”


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I’m pretty sure it’s not.

Excuse me, but the guy in the story was not a black man–he had blue eyes and white skin. Also, he was arrested for attempting to harm the employee, not for stealing soda.

Well, got all of that right but one. He was not black.

“being black while white”

So I got all of them right.

I did internally dedate the disctinction involved … and it seemed clear that the title chosen by our fellow forumite made him out to be black though he was not. If it had been a black guy described as white that would be “being white while black”.

He’s darker than Valerie Jarrett.
And you have a low-information view of black people.

Troll threads like this should be a bannable offense.

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And tell me what is wrong with my thread?
A man darker than Valerie Jarrett is arrested for being thirsty while black.

You just want to hide the racist justice system that we have. Why are these people who are arrested for minor things always black?