Are we headed towards a train wreck in oil supplies?

Anytime :smiley:

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A pipeline doesn’t create one extra drop of oil production.

I think we all know that. It does, however, prevent the “produced” oil from just sitting there by the pump.
Actually, ancient plants “produce” oil. Wells just get it up.

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building new project is very slow in Canada, don’t expect the flow to increase much.
the goal is 4.2 million a day by 2035 but that seem unlikely.

Many of you have been vociferous in complaining about what’s been done but don’t seem to offer any concrete proposals as to where to go from here.

So what are your ideas?

Share your wisdom instead of just grousing.

Yep, just let Putin do what he wants without repercussions.

That’s not a solution.


That’s not an answer.


Oil reserves distribution lasts for what, 3-5 days?
J’Biden is a moron and his dismantling of the Trump energy policies among a laundry list of Ol Joey from Scranton blunders contributed to where we are today.


Again can we stop complaining and start sharing what we would do?

Right now? From this point?

Short, medium, long term?


Not a fan of critical theory anymore?

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Retreat to the motte!

Run him out on a rail.

I see you were vague about which “him” you were talking about.


I’m talking about Joe Biden.

Sure. Propose Biden lead by example. Only wind and solar at the White House and his home in Delaware. Let him be escorted around in an electric car and that drives him to Delaware. No more sucking up fuel for his plane rides.

That would be the short, medium and long term solution. Maybe he might just get it through his thick head that that the infrastructure is not ready for his greenie plan.

Let him be the first to suffer and live through what he is imposing on others like a real leader would do.


So you decided you simply cannot drop the politics even for a second.

Thanks for playing…not.

Why do you think we are in this mess to begin with?

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100% the United States and the civilized world must sanction the uncivilized savage Putin.

We cannot let him ride roughshod over the Ukraine without repercussions.


Putin invading the Ukraine.
