Are violations of civil rights okay so long as they are indiscriminate?

All I can say is wow… That’s probably the most anti-American thing I’ve seen posted here ever.

I appreciate the compliment.

Numbers back you up on this one. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to encourage those older and/or suffering from serious health conditions to take extra precautions rather than coming up with nonsense videos on YouTube for everyone, with titles like “Stay at Home with Me” :nauseated_face:

An adult needs a video to figure out how to entertain him or herself at home?! That’s pretty sad.

Anyways I don’t think all these social justice messages and business shutdowns are helping, based on number if COVID deaths in MA:

According to another source, we’re #3 in the US for positives and deaths. Time to put healthy adults who aren’t working back to it, stop the destruction of smaller enterprises in particular.

One last thought: I wonder why the normally “progressive” western media hasn’t said much about worse outcomes taking place among racial and ethnic minorities.

Somehow I don’t think attitudes about COVID 19 have done anything to help those hardest hit :slightly_frowning_face:

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A crisis like this is tailor made to bring about the kind of totalitarianism the left adores.


Trump’s POTUS.

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Some of the issues predate the coronavirus. For example consider the fourth amendment in the age of mass surveillance:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The police need a search warrant to open your mail, but they use stingrays and similar devices to intercept all cell phone conversations in area without a warrant. Likewise, Edward Snowden’s revelations show that the federal government intercepts virtually all cell phone and internet communications. How does mass surveillance reconcile with strict limits found in the fourth amendment?

Yes. For example consider what is going on in California.

According to the first amendment, the government shall not abridge “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” On the other hand, Governor Newsom has banned all protests from state property because some anti-lockdown protestors allegedly violated social distancing rules.

Is the ban okay so long as it bans all protests?

Or it is just a convenient excuse to shutdown political opposition?

For background see:

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I think Bill didn’t answer that well. Your question, Philip, implied that the “selective” nature of the discrimination would be random. (Or, at least, that’s what it would have to be if it were truly anti-American.) Bill isn’t advocating random quarantine. And the post he initially responded to talked about protecting the high-risk groups.

We quarantine people and have always done so throughout the history of this country. Quarantine protects the one isolated AND the rest of society from the risk they pose if they have the disease.

This is NOT “selectively violating rights”, except perhaps as an exercise in arguing.

We should have done the same 40 years ago when the AIDS crisis started. Instead, out of concern for ersatz random violations, we allowed the virus to spread – and it still kills more people today than COVID does.

When we stand paralyzed by fear of violating one guy’s rights, we allow violation of the next guy’s rights who ends up with the disease spread by the first guy.

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Who gets quarantined?

No? Who was “quarantined”?

One guy?

What “next guy’s” rights are violated? The right to not get sick?

Welcome to material reality sans ideological delusions about the supremacy of rights and ideas. Both the virus and the government care about these concerns equally.

Actually, that’s the point. The original question didn’t really say quarantine. Just protected.

Old folks in a nursing home? Keep them where they are, but don’t allow anyone else in.

If we had kept them from being introduced to the virus in the first place, we could have eliminated 40% of the deaths. That’s low-hanging fruit. A giant swath of the victims, easily identified. And a huge win.

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The Constitution is trash and means whatever the ephors want it to mean.

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Who gets quarantined?

“Has been trashed…”

I disagree, it was trash to start with.

It doesn’t matter though. Even if it was good to begin with, it’s just part of the lexicon the government uses to justify itself now.

I have stepped away from that word several times now.

I’m not sure what you are getting at.

Why was it trash to begin with and which Constitution?

You quarantine the sick, not the healthy.

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no matter how you try to explain it away, it is a violation of the Constitution of the United States.

You are advocating taking away MY RIGHTS under the guise of “protecting” me, without even asking me if I want your protection.