Are truck stops going to run out of diesel?

Why do you think a short-term market swing determines long term profit? I didn’t see you whining about how oil companies were not making profits when the price of crude was under $25 per barrel.


Surprised Joe hasn’t appointed him as the “oil and gas czar” considering his expertise in that area?


And you don’t think people will be driving less as a result of higher prices, which will impact profits?

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Then I guess they’ll have to start to lower them at that point won’t they? Obviously the high prices aren’t hurting them now…

Me as well. :face_exhaling:

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Did you?

Within his first week in office, President Biden signed an executive order temporarily suspending new oil and gas leases on federal lands. The administration resumed the new leasing last month following court challenges against the ban. The administration is appealing a ruling in which Judge James Cain, a Trump appointee, struck down the ban.

Sure. NEW leases. There are ~9k EXISTING leases.

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