Are the seeds of censorship pointing toward a merge left for the Fox News Channel?

Brigitte Gabriel has a new book titled Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom . She was trying to get an interview on the Fox News Channel since she has been on that channel many times before to talk about the book. According to what Brigitte told Bible prophecy expert Jan Markell, Fox News Channel is starting to lean left and as such, they will not let her on to talk about the book, which is a warning about the threat of an outside invasion of America via immigration. But she cannot advertise in many places including the Fox News Channel now apparently because they want to start a move toward a new vision for the network that filters facts through the lens of tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. (To hear an interview with Brigitte Gabriel about her new book, click here.)

What’s ironic about that is some of the endorsements on the website for the very book she wanted to promote on Fox come from current Fox News Channel employees such as Sean Hannity, Judge Jeanine Pirro, and Tomi Lahren. Yet the higher-ups at Fox are steering the network in a different direction that doesn’t even represent the views of the shows on their channel that attract the most viewers.

Another minor example of what could be signs of a censorship trend at Fox came just earlier this week during Sean Hannity’s interview with Rush Limbaugh. There was one point where a part of something Rush said was edited out. On Rush’s Show when talking about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the Brett Kavanaugh accuser, Rush refers to her as “Christine Ballsy Ford.” Fox edited that and according to Rush, Sean said to him, “It’s a different Fox, Rush.” Just how different is it?

If these are signs of a left turn for the Fox News Channel, it certainly would not be the first time the network has made questionable decisions. Bill O’Reilly was the cornerstone for the Fox News Channel going back to the day the network launched, October 7, 1996. O’Reilly had the number one rated program in cable news for 15 years. Did that stop Fox from throwing O’Reilly under the bus when unproven sexual assault allegations were leveled against him? Nope. Matching the left’s attitude toward Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas, accusation=guilt. Then there was Glenn Beck, who had to leave Fox News because he wouldn’t stop talking about God.

Is Fox going to slowly morph into another version of CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and so many others? There are still many positive things on the network. The nightly lineup is definitely conservative despite the changes after O’Reilly’s departure with the additions of Laura Ingram and Tucker Carlson. Ben Shapiro and Mark Levin have been featured on the channel recently. They have added extra time for live, late-night programming as well. So there is still plenty of good things going on at Fox. But what does the future hold with some of the PC-censorship starting to take root?

We will still defeat them.

Yes we will, with God’s help and steadfast dedication to the principles of MAGA.

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If Fox refuses to allow Rush to engage in harmless yet factually correct Donald-like insults of lib radicals without censoring him, then are we left to assume that a suppression of free expression and objective, non-partisan, and factual journalism is no longer tolerated by the network?

Rush created a ■■■■ storm when he criticized Sandra Fluke. Fox made a good business decision. If that’s your indication of Fox “pointing toward a merge left.” I don’t know what to tell you.

That’s what I figure.[quote=“reflechissez, post:5, topic:20768, full:true”]
Rush created a ■■■■ storm when he criticized Sandra Fluke. Fox made a good business decision. If that’s your indication of Fox “pointing toward a merge left.” I don’t know what to tell you.

That wasn’t even the primary example I used to make my point, but I thought their censorship of Rush was illustrative enough to include. Rush’s comments about Fluke didn’t destroy him because he is Rush. Are we to conclude that Rush Limbaugh is able to withstand more than the Fox News Channel? If so, that elevates Rush even more than he already is.

It’s really sad to see what Fox has turned into lately. I remember when Fox News was where Conservatives could go to get Fair and Balanced news. There’s so many better options now with places like Breitbart News and The Gateway Pundit.


So weird.


What’s weird is how Fox News is suddenly the mouthpiece for the left.

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CBN News is my favorite.

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Let’s not forget Infowars. Another source of objective truth untainted by weak kneed political correctness.

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Good point, Infowars and objectivity go hand in hand.


Hahaha, oh yeah. Nobody knows real news like Info Wars, lol.

Hail, MAGA, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among slogans,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Donald.
Holy MAGA, Motto of God,
pray for us Proud Boiz
now and at the hour of our next rally.


I don’t recall saying that.

Personally, I think that Fox News and Rush have always been too far to the left. I have trouble associating with much of the socialist thinking that comes out of their programming. If they move about three gigantic leaps to the right, then I might check them out more.

I know you didn’t say that. My point was it wasn’t a bad decision for Rush to do it since he is still going strong. Therefore, it would stand to reason that the same would apply to Fox since you were the one to make the comparison earlier.

Rush is too far to the left? Socialist thinking? What Rush Limbaugh have you been listening to? Certainly not the one that has been on the radio for 30 years and was interviewed Thursday night. What media sources or personalities would you consider far enough to the right???

If by “going strong” you mean being busted down to lower-power stations and losing tons of ad dollars. When Rush negotiated his contract for $400 million in 2008, it was all over the news. for some strange reason, the value of the 2016 contract was not mentioned. I can’t imagine why.

Well, as I said, Rush and Fox are way too far to the left for me. I can hardly stand it. The only solutions I have for news are communism or socialism.

When I want to hear the real truth, I drive down to the Dairy Queen and listen to what Squish has to say. He’s usually hanging out in the parking lot. He’s got the unique talent of taking what the communists and socialists squawk about and converting it into Real News that one of the Last True Conservatives can understand.