Are the homeless becoming more violent?

It seems like so often lately when I read or hear about a violent attack the perpetrator is a homeless man:

Woman Stabbed in Head With Scissors in North Hollywood – NBC New York

Is it just me or is anyone else potentially seeing a trend here?

violent crimes is down after the bump in 2020.

Not in my immediate circles, but maybe elsewhere.


They are fairly aggressive here more like in your face panhandling with the occasional ■■■■ you when you don’t give money.

I think I might just try giving them hypodermic needles in place of money that might get them off my back no joke we have city blocks where you can feel crunch of needles under your shoes when you walk.

It appears to be becoming a “norm” and an accepted way of life. The numbers are increasing as the days go by. There’s also a mental and drug factor that’s in the equation with what got them there in the first place and as time goes on it’s exacerbating. Either way, it’s a ripple of our declining culture and is shameful.

It might be different in different cities I’m sure it is but here it’s overwhelming drug addicts. There are obviously a percentage with mental health problems but for the most part addicts.

You can walk to work downtown and it’s quiet normal seeing someone injecting heroin hardily trying to hide it.

I am naive on the subject my friend and I’m sure your take is more accurate. In this instance, I’m an outsider looking in that hurts inside for the direction I conclude this country is going.

Is “Bum Fights” making a comeback?

doesn’t refute my point that crime is down, your talking about “major cities”

haha gawd. how humiliating.

homeless people have existed since before America was a country.

It could be different at other places here it’s almost strictly drugs the hard drugs of course. Not sure the main causes in place like NYC but in the PNW it’s drugs.

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except for the part that says “violent crimes INCREASED”


in major cities still not back to per-pandemic numbers though.

My gut feel is that the prevalence of crime or violence among the homeless is a relatively constant proportion. But the amount of homelessness has certainly increased.

you didnt qualify “major cities”

here’s a reminder

Irrelevant to the actual point of the thread.


that face when even “USA today” kills your narrative.


the more you criminalize homelessness the more violent homeless people will become.