Are Nordic countries socialist?

Are we talking about the ruling class culture here? If so, what do you think it is? I’m sure you can guess what I think it is.

I actually don’t have a clue because I honestly don’t care.

No, we are talking about the Mexican and Central American cultures.

I understand.

are they to much of savages to exist in America?

In some cases. Are they too much of savages to exist in their own countries in America?

Oh, okay. How’s that relevant and/or a problem?


When will you care?


10 Char

How is it not relevant. You think race is the problem?

I understand.

That’s not how an argument works. You have to demonstrate it is relevant, I don’t have to demonstrate it is irrelevant.

I don’t have to do anything. Watch.


10 Char

Private schools in NY don’t participate in any of the standardized tests or Regents, unless they choose to. And as far as curriculum, my son’s school decided to only do certain parts of Common Core.

TBS, because of the problems with Hasidic Jewish schools in NY, the state is looking into more regulations because those schools, in particular, don’t teach proper subjects.

They do have to follow some regulations - like days in attendance, because public school districts are required to provide bus transportation for private schools within 15 miles of the district and also provide private school students with text books.




noun: socialism

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole

As I said, some of the worlds biggest corporations are based in Scandinavian countries. They, not the government, make the decisions that made them so.

And by community they mean their ruling class.

In practical terms it would seem the difference between communism and socialism is ownership vs. control by regulation.

Cuba and NK are not democratic socialist. Scandinavian countries are capitalist with a strong safety net, which is what Sanders and other progressives believe we should emulate.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: he’s finished.

You’re probably right.