AOC's Huge Carbon Footprint

No. She’s just an idiot.

Its like we get more stupid as we continue on

Yeah, so she’s not allowed to use all transportation options available to her because she advocates for fuel efficient options and therefore must only use mass transit.

I’m getting pretty jaded about the possibility of rational discourse in this climate.

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Yeah…its like sometimes something is just dumb and should be treated as such…

No. To be consistent with her stated positions, she should utilize the options available to her that are consistent with those positions. Particularly if the level of urgency is what she expresses. Put forth the effort to utilize those options. Lead by example. That’s how to get things done.

If it can be demonstrated that the options more consistent weren’t feasible, then thats a legitimate counter argument. The “I live in society” argument is not.

Wasn’t her whole primary campaign video centered around her riding the train??

I’m pretty sure she rides the train often.

That’s why it’s great we can use a national emergency to make a little bit of progress now.

Yup, there’s video of her riding the train.

And she keeps going back to her riding the train, again and again.

What can you say about a woman who loves to ride a train so much?

As long as the train is properly white, nobody should have a problem with it.

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Yeah, I’m not a fan of that tactic.

I see no hypocrisy in criticizing Uber’s business practices while using them.

In a lot of ways it is the only “taxi” service in the outer buroughs.

Advocates don’t want to kill Uber, they want them to pay the drivers a fair wage and operate on an even playing field with the licensed taxis.


not technically illegal…

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Wow…you found something nice to say about a democratic socialist?

Here is Pelosi in her youth.

leave trump out of it…

Thank you for your always insightful, well thought out post!

it was just a campaign device…

take her seriously, not literally…

Hilarious. Interesting to watch the fear at play.

Conservative media are making her a star.

Sorry. Palin is in a class all by herself. I would say it is a special needs class, but that would be an insult to special needs people.

Her stupidity is self inflicted.

She looked like Audrey Hepburn. The years have not been kind to her. Me either, for that matter.