AOC take CEO to task over high drug cost

Trump struggles to construct even the most basic sentences and he bankrupts casinos. He most certainly is that dumb.


oh dear i’ve tied myself up in such knots…

he’s not a great speaker. but hes not a talking point machine robot like she is

he loses money. but he makes up for it and then much more (you prob will too when you become a billionaire)

no one ever thought he was dumb (or racist) before running for pres.

No one thought the head birther was racist until he ran for president.

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People watch those ads. 50% of people that ask their Dr for specific drug, get prescribed that drug.

Central Park 5 would disagree

The thread title seems to imply ole AOC had the upper hand, but based on the exchange in the OP, it wasn’t that way at all. First, she doesn’t understand the difference between revenue and profit and even if she does, she got it wrong and was corrected. Second, she didn’t get the price right and of course fell on the high side. Again, she was corrected. Then she announces that she doesn’t know how patents work, or if she does, she couldn’t work out that explained the difference in price between here and Australia.

Pretty poor showing, actually.

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Good post. Now can you do a similar break down on Trump’s statements on tariffs?

I absolutely could, though this thread doesn’t seem to be the place. Point me to one or start one and I’ll be on it. I have to admit in advance, I have no idea what his statements on tariffs are, but I’m guessing they’re quite stupid.

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Patents are an unnatural government-created privilege.

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Economics blah blah blah. Economics needs to stay in its own lane and butt out of normative issues.

I’d absolutely love for us to create the NASA equivalent of pharmaceuticals.

He inherited hundreds of millions and would have a higher net worth had he invested in the S&P500. He’s a ■■■■■■■ idiot.

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exactly. but she got to “put heat” to someone who makes evil profit. just what she was taught to hate at boston u

huh. a thread about AOC and pharm, and all everyone talks about is trump…

lol is that what they call things now that shouldnt be allowed to profit, even though everyone loves all their medicine?

Have to love liberals, patents for medicine are evil and should be done away with, must protect intellectual property of Hollywood.

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This little girl nails it!

hahaha… too good. bless her heart