Antifa. Our common enemy

No. No there shouldn’t. Using the clubs is a different story. But making laws against some random ■■■■ that some group that you don’t like does is very much a fascist idea so go ahead and think on that for a bit.

That why the constitution clearly states “peaceably assemble”

The rest who decide to be violent and disobey laws should be arrested.

It’s not a protest if people are being surrounded and intimidated by a mob. Setting fires and breaking windows ain’t no protest either. If they were interested in protesting, they would not need to wear masks. Antifa does not believe in anyone’s right to protest. They would shut down any opinion other than their own. That’s what fascists do. Why don’t they take their “protest” to the heart of the beast? The upper middle class burbs. We would love to have them visit for a while! :wink:

Agree. ANTIFA is simply the LIB enforcement arm, when someone steps out of line with LIB doctrine. They can be and are deployed in force at a moments notice.

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The masks are to conceal identity of them after about 10 of them beat the hell out of some old timer.

They should be banned at such “protests”.

Scared? Need a safe space?

Agreed. If you are too afraid to stand publicly for your principles, then your principles suck. Man up and take off the masks ya wussies!

They are a bunch of hooligans.

We have the “oath keepers” who carry guns to protest.

as long as protesters “peaceably assemble”. there is no problem.

when they become violent, problems ensue and I am against that.


Conservatives own the bikers that protected military funerals from them.

gooddad409 is not the one who needs to hide behind a mask. :blush:

But obviously he’s so distraught that he now wants to use the force of government to dictate what is an appropriate form of protest. Pretty ironic.

Are you defending scenes like the video from Berekely where about 10 masks thugs had an old man carrying a sign or flag down and were kicking and stomping the crap out of him? Really?

Me scared? Nope. Why would a person in a carry state be particularly scared?

Pathetic that you seem to support cowardly thugs.

if you are sticking antifa to me, a liberal. You cons own the anti gay group.

Sorry those are the ownership rules.

Now you care to retract your “liberals” own antifa statement.

Or we can continue to play these “ownership” games.


What about you? How do you feel about people who are so afraid to support their own cause that they conceal their faces? MLK never concealed his. You gotta admit. These clowns are the ultimate wussies.

Not defending their conduct, no. If you could read you’d see that. But I’m also not going to kneejerk straight to “THERE SHOULD BE A LAW AGAINST MASKS!!!”. But you just go ahead and keep whining.

You’re stepping on the constitution with your mask ban.

You spelled winning wrong. :us:

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I have no use for Antifa. They appear to be typical dimestore wankers. My position is that if they get violent then the police act. We have plenty of laws to hold them accountable for their conduct. But banning masks and clubs? What kind of lame ■■■■ is that?