Another trans shooter. (Thwarted)

This one was planning on using explosives, had a rough floor plan drawn up of the school, and stated they thought they might hit multiple schools.


Those people have some serious mental issues. Time for society to start calling em for what it is.


You can only push people so far.

Like gun owners? The left never stops.

So this is justified? He / she was just pushed too far?


“Those people?” As in people who commit mass murder?

Yeah…always the victim.


Yes…people like sexual deviants.

Cis males have that base covered. Along with mass murder.

We all know what “those people” means. People have been using that pejorative for as long as there has been prejudice.

5 trans shooters in history. That’s about 7 weeks of 17-21 straight white male school shooters.

If it’s a mental health issue asRepublicans always insist, maybe they shouldn’t vote unanimously against increasing access to mental health care legislation.

But it’s really not, the US isn’t an outlier compared to every other industrialized nation for any reason, mental health, video games etc. it’s the max gun laws and volume of guns.

But if school shootings are a result of mental health issues as Republicans say and then Republicans vote as a bloc against expanding mental health care access, then the logical conclusion is that Republicans are objectively pro school shootings.


So…those people do have mental problem. Time to stop enabling em.

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I thought you would appreciate your very own words.

What are you mumbling on about peter?

How about these sexual deviants? Guess we should acknowledge that group has a mental problem. Cis men are the worst.

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Are you expecting someone to defend them?


My Twitter feed shows 2-3 religious types, pastors, youth group leaders) getting popped for kiddie diddling literally every day.

That’s where the deviants are concentrated, in the churches.


You mean boys that never had a girlfriend? Yeah that’s a problem…and just like trans it’s a mental problem.

Is that a problem for you…and if so why?

If mental health professionals were only held to the same standards as medical doctors,


Strange isn’t it?

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Sorry no, no higher incidence in that group than any other. It gets more coverage that’s all.

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When Willie Loman was asked why he robbed banks, he said “Because that’s where the money is”.

If the interest in thwarting pedophilia were sincere, then you would think that the overwhelming source of these crimes would be the focus. But for some reason, the collective right spends its time picking the fly ■■■■ out of the pepper, and that’s because the calls are coming from inside the house.