Another mass shooting today on Louisville

Not to my knowledge. Maybe throw in the collapse of th̶e̶o̶c̶r̶a̶c̶y̶ ̶ m̶o̶r̶a̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ society

Doors don’t even have to be bullet proof.

Just can’t be the type of glass that makes locking them pointless. There’s films that can be applied to glass made by 3M that make it immensely harder to get through even once the glass is all shattered.

What’s your solution?

ETA… what’s your realistic solution?

Yours too?

What is your solution?

ETA… what’s your realistic solution?

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How about you?

What’s the solution?

ETA… what’s your realistic solution?

Also correct.

Probably correct.

No doubt.

At least a contributing factor. Was he a gamer?

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They aren’t even waiting until the bodies are in the bags now…



I mean…isn’t that yours?

Good guys with guns, armed teachers, constitutional carry…more-gun solutions all.

Want to bet he was mental?

Want to bet he was a gamer?

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Who stopped it?

OP rushed here to make his op before the bodies bled out.


Define gamer? Someone who plays on a smartphone, console , PC? Even Netflix offersgames.

There are millions of gamers who never commit murder.

There are millions of people with mental health issues who never commit murder.

There are millions of gun owners who never commit murder.


Too soon? Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to upset anyone.

What triggered you?

I bet an AR 15 could shoot through it.

Yes, they are magic.