Another mass shooting - at least 12 dead in CA

Even if i counted up to 23…of the 162 shooters there would only have been about 22. And 35 is not the new 15. 35 is 35 and 15 is 15. And if you’re old enough to drink you ain’t a kid anymore.

I hope the guns are ok.

Yes let’s bicker over the ages of the dead. :roll_eyes:

The gun nutters are the ones with the irrational insecurity.

Because it’s the worst mass shooting since 11 days ago.


They’re not the ones proclaiming everyone should give up their individual rights in order to placate their feelings. That irrational buffoonery comes from the anti-gun loons and their dimwitted ideas.

when did you guys have your last mass shooting? a decade ago?

At least for the next 11 days. :wink:

No fair they have rational gun laws.

7 years to be fair.

Two in the last 30 years, depending on how you count them.

How many mass gun shooting has Japan had in the last 15 years

lol - You just see and hear whatever you want to see and hear, don’t ya chief? :rofl:

Unless that has any bearing on why I should allow others to dictate what individual rights I enjoy…and it does not, just in case blatant fact alluded you…it has no meaning with regard to this issue.

how in the world do you guys feel safe and have freedom??

Still living the delusion.

We walk home scared, staring at the floor hoping not to be mugged and raped by the roving mobs of Sharia Muslims.

No, I just see truth…in spite of all the irrational idiocy we keep hearing, like “give up your rights so I feel better”.

Give up your irrational fear man.

The one where giving up your rights will provide you security?

Yeah, it seems you are living it.

I’ve been saying that for years, yet here we are still arguing over giving up individual rights in exchange for a false sense of security. So I don’t think the irrational anti-gun loons are willing to let go of that fear yet.