Another mass shooting - at least 12 dead in CA

There is nothing scary about people who feel a crutch makes them safe

…and white males

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And here I thought we were having a moment…

What do you feel makes you safe?

so, people from ANOTHER mass shooting were at THIS mass shooting and survivors of a THIRD mass shooting are sending their condolences to the families who lost loved ones at THIS mass shooting.

i don’t think the young kids of today are gonna put up with the same crap we old folks allow (when they become adults).

There is a huge feeling of insecurity…whether you want to believe it or not. It used to be you could go into the corner bar…sit down and have a beer or 12 and not worry about getting shot at for doing so. I get it guns don’t kill people…people kill people. But I am quite certain if this guy didn’t have a gun…he’d find some way to kill as many people as he could. Hell he could use a car.

We deinstitutionalized psychiatric hospitals and now we have no place to send these who are criminally insane. They are treated in Community Mental Health Centers throughout the country and then they are sent home. At best they get medication management…refills, maybe they get asked how are you feeling, then they go back to where they came from. If we are lucky the keep taking their medications. But what happens when you have someone who is on medications long enough to make it through the process of buying a gun. And then they stop/run out of medications. Then what. You have a psychotic person on the loose. This is where it has to start.

And dammit I promised myself this morning I wasn’t going to do this. And here I am. Take it for what it is. I likely won’t comment further. But these are the thoughts of someone who works in the mental health profession.

Ignoring the fact they are the ones doing a lot of it.

Of the 162 mass shooters in our history only 12 were younger than 20. Or 92 percent were 20 or older. The vast majority were between 20 and 49…so there ya have it…the kids are doing a lot of it. 8% being a lot? OK?

There is something scary about those willing to strip others of their rights based on their own insecurities though.

Oh yes, I agree…there IS a huge sense of insecurity. The problem is some of it is irrational insecurity that drives irrational thought. And everything some horrible tragedy hits the news, out it comes.

I got one kid in college in Cook County Illinois. It is a small Catholic college Jut on the western border of Cook and Dupage. There is another small college 4 blocks away…last week they had a lock down there with an intruder on campus inside dormatories.

My son spent an entire day locked down his Jr. year at his small midwestern all male college. There was a supposed mass murderer on campus…who was a campus employee. We sent our kids…at great expense to these small schools so they’d feel safer. And what did we get. Phone calls, worry and anguish. It’s not irrational when you kids are at stake. It just isn’t.

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There is nothing strawman about it, you’ve fixated you ire on an inanimate object and convinced yourself getting rid of it is the cure.

I bet, every 54 minutes when there is a firearm homicide, that those people killed also had a fear dying/being shot.

For them it certainly came true.

Couple decades behind on research because of idiotic politicians…

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It’s irrational in the solutions being proposed, not in the issue itself. Loping off a hand is an irrational cure for a hangnail. If a hangnail drives you to to rationalize cutting off a hand to cure it…that’s irrational no matter how you look at it.

Can you shoot someone if you don’t have a gun?

45 days until the next one. Crazy, huh?

And you know the numbers we never talk about? Never even pay attention to. The people that are shot every day and survive. And the people who witnessed the shootings. Those numbers are astronomically higher than the actual death toll.

20 is a kid. 35 is the new 15. I didn’t say they were children.

How about if you and I promise not to do it?

I’ve never felt unsafe in my environment. But if I had to provide an answer it would be to not engage in criminal activity.