Another example of a government green energy boondoggle

More examples of taxpayer money pissed down the drain on a poorly thought out green project:


Good riddance.


These things produce an incredible amount of heat and the heat breaks them down quickly.

Bad engineering.


Now global warming can stop. :+1:


You know, this is another ā€˜goldenā€™ opportunity for liberals.

They could buy the thing, and show people the superiority of solar power by lowering the electricity prices.

After all, solar is dirt cheap, correct?

This isnā€™t competitive with photovoltaics or wind.

However, at least it worked for a decade.

Better than two AP1000s that started construction at the same time:

Itā€™s a solar plant, and according to you, solar and wind never fails right?

So why arenā€™t you looking to buy this thing (should be available for pennies on the dollar), then go run it for awhile make yourself some real money?

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All of that land being used for something so ugly and useless.

My question is how will all those solar panels be disposed of?

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Iā€™m sure the right people made money off of it somehowā€¦so, there is that.

From the article:

ā€œNRG said in a statement that the project was successful, but unable to compete ā€œ

Elite lib logic.


Money laundering scheme.

Coincidentally closes after biden was expelled from the white house.


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(Lib mindset) Yeah, yeah but the fact that I believe in this means Iā€™mā€¦"V"irtuous. So there. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Nowā€¦applying a brainā€¦how much damage was done to the earth vs how much damage was saved? This is the reality of the current ā€œman made global warmingā€ idiocy.

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The actual answer is simpleā€¦do not allow any products produced anywhere in the world that does not meet our pollution requirementsā€¦to be sold/used here in the US. Now ask yourself, why didnā€™t our federal government apply this standard in the very beginning?

Remember ā€œAir America ā€œ?


I remember it well.

Off to the land fill with the rest of the renewable junk like windmills and solar panels.

BUt they did kill a lot of birds. And wasted the taxes from people like Roofers and Food service workers. Taxes are hours worked for most people.

Remember Solyndra?