Andrew McCabe: 25th Amendment was discussed by Justice Department to remove Trump from office

I see what you did there.

Oh brother!


McCabe can’t hid from the facts.

Neither can you. Lol

I can’t understood what you’re trying to say here.

More right-wing (trump) talking points. Look, Putin hated Hillary because she rebuked him for his crooked election. Why on earth would the Russians be on her side for anything?

Show me proof.

Uranium One comes to mind, plus your ignoring the Chinese being in Hillary’s private server.

There are liberals that have a visceral hatred for the right side of the aisle, they hate southern people, rural people, old people, religious people gun owners, people who support Trump and you could fill in many other types of people. But I don’t go around like some people and label them as ignorant. And no I don’t believe the most American voters are ignorant. The ones I disagree with just have different views than I do about what direction the country should be going.
Labeling people and calling them names and having a feeling of I’m so much smarter than you or I have more morals than you is what is wrong with this country. And Trump is not causing this problem. I’ve watched it happening for a lot of years. This is an American citizen problem.

They must have been scratched up something fierce!

Ignorant does not mean stupid. Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge on a certain subject and Americans as a whole dont spend a lot of time studying politics.

No, he admitted they considered the constitutional provision provided by the 25th amendment.

It would have required concurrence by the cabinet. Not a very good sedition plan.

Those darned Privets!

The Russians did not buy 25% of our uranium.

I thought Hillary destroyed her server. How do you know the Chinese hacked her? Let me guess, someone said it was possible and someone else said it was likely and now it’s a fact?

I don’t watch fake news, that’s how I know.

Sources say…

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You don’t have to dig deeply into this forum’s archives to find a very common opinion among conservatives: that “Libs” want to destroy this country with open borders and gubmint cheese. It is stated with every ounce of invective that comes from the left side toward Trump or his supporters.

I agree that each side has a different vision for the country. The difference is that your side is willfully obtuse in its support of a man who has, oh let’s call it, “a casual moral attitude” about blatant interference in our election process from a hostile foreign power. If he had a “D” behind his name, you and every other con here would be SCREAMING for his resignation or impeachment.

Of course that’s just my opinion.

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The key sentence (a long way away from the headline)…

“The FBI released a statement saying they had “not found any evidence” of an intrusion of Clinton’s server.”

But that’s not what sources are saying to the DCNF!

Than you should have been screaming for Hillary to be prosecuted for having a private server.
And libs have a common opinion that if you even mention making changes to SS that the right are throwing grandma off a cliff. That the right is going to take away women’s birth control, that the right is the reason for every shooting, that the right hates anyone who is a different color. And none of this is the truth.
I though your side was obtuse to support a woman who in my eyes is a lair and one of the most corrupt people in the United States. But I don’t feel that everyone who supported her was ignorant, cruel and needed to be driven into silence. I don’t have any hate for people just because they have a different view of what is best for the United States.
I do get the feeling right or wrong that the left wants there to become single party rule in the United States. And that would be wrong. We need two different parties with different ideas to keep things in the middle and not going to far one way or another.
I also think that the FBI and DOJ have gotten out of control and need to be reined in. Not the ones out in the field but the ones that sit in the office have become a little to full of themselves and how important that they are.
And their reaction to Trump just shows us how full of themselves they were.

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