An important vote getting little coverage is coming to Minneapolis in three weeks

We shall see.

There’s no need for police as all problems are better handled by social workers and counselors.

Ideology trumps any potential feelings they have for the people in their communities.

That’s what their guiding ideology says.

Of course the counselors would be a better response. All the “bad guys” (who aren’t really bad) would immediately stop what their doing and quietly listen to the sage counseling they so eagerly want.

Like most defund the police movements its more supported by white progressives than black voters. The poll I saw from the star tribune only had black support between 20%-30%. And I would imagine the poorer communities regardless of race will suffer the most with less police.

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Look guys. The counselors and social workers would go to domestic disputes where maybe one cop is there to make sure everything is safe. The the social workers do their thing.

Why the hyperbole about cops being replaced by social workers?

Elitists are driven by ideology not a genuine concern for the pee-ons.

As I said before lib elitist ideology trumps any potential feelings they have for the pee-ons in their communities.

Actually, looking at the crime rate, we are already seeing.

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Marshall Dillon tried to talk every man that he shot out of drawing his gun. :wink:

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It’s simple math. Less funding plus hiring new counselors equals fewer cops.

They haven’t rebuilt squat yet.

The counselors and social workers will be heavily armed themselves. I’ve heard they’ll be packing candy and flowers!

Before the George Floyd murder, Minneapolis and St. Paul were in the process of hiring more police officers, not reducing or eliminating them. The people calling to defund the police are the loudest in the room right now, but it’s not going to happen. Crime has risen as a direct result of the reaction to the Floyd murder, and voters have noticed.

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If the counselors come with candy and flowers, I would advise them to make sure they do not pass out weed (another progressive staple) because weed increases the risk of breakthrough covid.

The normal people in Minneapolis who can afford to need to get out now. Even if it doesn’t pass now, the police department will continue to be poked until they are totally ineffective.

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You got the right.

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We can thank George for helping to change the climate of the Twin Cities. He will be remembered as a great statesman and leader is the rights movement. His statue could be placed in Lafayette Park across from the Whitehouse :white_heart: :brown_heart: :purple_heart: :yellow_heart: :heart: :green_heart: :rainbow:

Strong words from the Freddie Gray broke his own neck crowd.

All we are sayin is give peace a chance. :v:. And the criminal officer was tried and convicted. Which was already in progress. The criminal justice system was working correctly. There was no coverup.