Originally published at: AMERICA UNLEASHED: GDP GROWTH Tops 4.1% in SECOND QUARTER | Sean Hannity

The US economy continued to roar to life in the second quarter of 2018 with GDP growth topping a whopping 4.1%; signaling a robust recovery under President Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress.

According to CNBC, Gross Domestic Product posted its largest gains in over four years on the back of strong consumer confidence and record-breaking business growth and optimism following the Republican-sponsored tax cuts.

“That’s the fastest rate of the growth since the 4.9 percent in the third quarter of 2014 and the third-best growth rate since the Great Recession. In addition to the strong second quarter, the Commerce Department revised its first-quarter reading up from 2 percent to 2.2 percent,” writes CNBC.

“We’re on track to hit the highest annual growth rate in over 13 years,” said the President. “And I will say this right now and I will say it strongly, as the deals come in one by one, we’re going to go a lot higher than these numbers, and these are great numbers.”

Read the full report here.

But the democrats are trying everything they can to ruin the good economy. Resist! Impeach! Russia!