AMC joins woke speech silencing movement, pulls documentary featuring detransitioners from theaters

Off the top of my head I’d say it’s a cash-losing film that never should have made if off Youtube.

I haven’t seen it but there is a good chance I’d concur with its message.
Still, few people would want to see that film.

Probably a sound business decision on AMC’s part.

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Yet the piece by The Guardian overall does not trash the movie. Read it and don’t just quote one or two sentences out of context.

Variety also gave it a solid review as did multiple other reviewers. As with any movie there are critics that did not like it.

It’s saddening to see how easy it is for you to mock a film about child sex trafficking. But hey, the current Democrat Party Leadership has turned its back on such trafficking across out southern border, so I guess in your world it’s ok to mock the film.


Never mocked the film. I am mocking the ridiculousness of the assertion that it’s popularity is due to politics.

It may actually be true but i haven’t seen anything to confirm that it is because of politic

The fact that you think i am mocking the film screams of desperation to always always always be the victim. In every plausible and implausible position

There are numerous films about child trafficking and revenge.

There is even one with Nick cage in it called 8mm. It comes from an era when violence in Hollywood was fainted over by your ilk.

It is indeed very very very violent.

But it tells a story of child trafficking

doing my part

Does this mean you are defending chop shops for children?

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Sure, seemed that way to me HERE

By the way…Sound of Freedom has made nearly $131 million at the box office


Sure does but only if play the perennial victim

You confuse victim with observer. But you knew that, didn’t you?

No it’s pretty much victim. Observer implies objectivity. You see anything but

I guess the left wants a movie were child sex slaves are trafficked to America and forced to have their junk chopped off and then to pretend they are another sex for their masters …


According to you

Yes according to me. You have y should make that int your signature line.

I think the producers should dona Pay it Forward scheme like Angel Studios did to artificially inflate revenue numbers.

Then maybe AMC will change their minds.

(Yes…not a penny of revenue from Song of Freedom’s Pay it Forward scheme will go to actually fund the fight against child trafficking. It went to the studio and theater chains instead. But it was a strong virtue signal)

The one who mocked the film

You have decided to go circular i see. Okie.

I didn’t but i will continue to mock any position that reflexively needs to promote something solely because your political opposition expressed an opinion. And then play victim.

Oh and your link isn’t the to the film. It’s to the trailer. So even your attempt to stretch is not. that solid.

According to me of course.

My goodness. You are a confused soul. Did you already forget why that link was posted? It was posted to answer your question “How many went because of their politics?” And, the answer was

“Seems to me those who went may very well have gone because of the movie’s trailer.”

Yes so if anything i mocked the trailer which i didn’t. I mocled your position that it was tus of thee that triggered red blooded Americans to go see. It’s silly beyond compare. According to me of course.

I am not in marketing so l am not going to judge the reason why that song was chosen