Am I a lib now?

You betcha I’m worried about insourcing outsourcing everyone should be it’s likely coming for them next. Every year I see many fellow American IT workers axed for cheaper software developers from India.

Just the numbers lost in manufacturing alone should scare everyone at how easy it can be done and how few cares that they are gone.

Provided we scale up the tandem peroskovite cells we will get well under that 5k mark. Going to kind of suck for the early adopters. but that always happens to them. I payed 10k for a pc back in the day. That a 30 dollar raspberry pi would smoke today.

Can’t be fixed, if it isn’t outsourced it will be robots instead. Can’t save the jobs of buggy whip makers.

Why pay money for the machines when you have unending source of slave labor? We are already finding out that some of out bigger companies have been using the Uigher in the concentration camps for forced labor. Much much cheaper than automation.

Yes, but force them to bring those jobs here and it will no longer be cheaper than robots. We should be thinking about shortening the work week instead.

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This doesn’t even take into account how we could potentially tap into geothermal if we get the right battery technology to store it.

And if we can make batteries recyclable (as there will be limitations to advanced materials if we do not).

Look up cryogenic batteries. Use the energy to liquify nitrogen out of the air, use it to run turbines when needed. Scales massively.

Got to admit we are setting the bar pretty low on our society when we as a country are saying those jobs aren’t coming back because you can’t beat the labor prices you get in concentration camps. The Reich is back in vogue.

I will…thanks.

As a practical matter, the question of personal identification would be more of a consideration on your part rather than some decision on anyone else’s. Unless this is just some disingenuous rhetorical wankery.

Not saying that at all. They aren’t coming back because it would be cheaper to automate it than to pay US wages. So even if you outlaw selling products using slave labor, which we should do by the way, those jobs still won’t be back. And at the clip machine learning is improving, even people like lawyers should be getting nervous.

Gonna be a while before AIML takes over those types of jobs.

Longer than most people think (although likely sooner than I think since I am a born skeptic).

I work in that field. It’s not as advanced as the hype (although it’s pretty damn powerful).

The exponential advancement isn’t hype, it’s plotted and proven. It isn’t linear and exponential gets big quick.

As for cheap food.

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Private well
Rain catch
Off grid electric
Burn trash
Sewage disposal (lagoon, septic tank, etc.)
Building a house

No permits or permission required out here.

I wish I could burn the trash here at least once, just to see my neighbors reaction. The police and fire dept would be here in five minutes.

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Even Tesla believed that a century ago.

I’ve had products counterfeited by China. From there we were extorted by a counterfeit flooding the market at Chinese prices vs our American.

Everyone talks a patriotic game until you get to the distributor faced with buying widget at .02 vs .10 You can only send out so many giftcards to steak houses to make up that difference.

The only way to compete with the slave labor is to recognize we shouldn’t. Let China smelt the lead while we build the fortress walls, the robots are coming.

This has been a known fact for along time.

Educate women, and give them equal rights, codified in law, promote and provide BC, and there are less pregnancies.

Good to see you are progressing.

Never going to happen.

Too much money to be made.

UBI is inevitable.