All religions (or lack thereof) are equally valid

This is my reply to the “Why aren’t you Catholic?” thread.

Why isn’t Safiel Catholic??? OR

Safiel (me, myself and I) chooses to be non-theist, after a theist upbringing.

I am non-theist because that is the rational conclusion I have come to.

Every rational human being comes to his own conclusion.

Science can neither prove nor disprove any religion. It cannot prove nor disprove the presence or absence of deity.

So in the end, all religions (or the choice of no religion) are equally valid.

People should pick the religion that feels most comfortable for THEM and THEM alone or choose no religion if that is what THEY are comfortable with.

The wishes of any other person, government or institution on this planet, including any church itself, should be irrelevant to your very personal choice, perhaps the most personal choice a human can make.


A religion followed through force or even solely for tradition (country majority religion or what your parents are) is meaningless.

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I do not recommend that people look for a religion that is most comfortable to them. The purpose of religion is to draw one closer to God and to challenge a person to become the best version possible of him/herself. Redemption should be our watchword, and the Way of Salvation is hopefully the path that is chosen.

Safiel, all due respect but science has proven untold religions to be wrong. Thor doesn’t cause lightening. Ra doesn’t ride a sun chariot across the sky.

All religions are not equal. Not even close.

It is also noteworthy that those religions and many other are defunct.

While your comment would clearly apply to a number of primitive religions, most of those religions are practiced in backwards or isolated parts of the world, by isolated tribes.

Most of the religions in common practice do not make claims that can be clearly proven or disproven by science.

In that respect, the major existing world religions, Christianity (including ALL of its subdivisions), Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism and modern Paganism are all equally valid, in that they can neither be objectively proven nor disproven.

People take them on faith.

The listed religions, which encompass the vast majority of people who practice religion, are from a scientific viewpoint equally valid. Science can neither prove nor disprove the existence of deity.

No…that’s what YOU think the purpose of religion is.

Others’ views may differ.

Hmmm. Some think that the purpose of religion is to grow apart from God? Yes, that would be very different from my view.

One must first put faith in something that is not provable. Hence, it is faith.

Humans do not require a "“god” to be productive, happy and civil.

One of the fastest growing groups are non-believers in any particular religion.

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Pleased to meet up with you! I come from a family of atheists and can testify right along with you that belief in God is not required to be productive, happy, and civil. Think of it as explorers and settlers. Some of us don’t want to settle with just learning information that the physical world provides–even though there is lots of interesting material (more than we will ever get through). Some of us want to explore the spiritual realm as well, where there are a lot of amazing experiences, too.

Are you interested in a particular science or area of study?

Some religions don’t even have a deity.

Buddhism for example.

While I agree with most of what you say, I would put one caveat on that. As long as said religion is not causing harm to the believer or to others. And I can come up with many belief systems that exist today that fail that criteria.

Good to meet you as well. I usually avoid the religion category…as religion is something some people take very seriously, and even though I never intend to offend, it sometimes happens.

Exploring spirituality is fine, and can be uplifting for some. Where I draw the line is magic. Too many religions depend on a supernatural entity to worship, with that entity having magical powers.

Most religions do have areas that provide a guideline on how to live, ideas that are consistent among the many religions. “Do onto others etc…” is mentioned in nearly all of the major religions, and is sage advise. Of course, Jesus was not the first to assert that philosophy.

Regarding science, I enjoy anything dealing with space. Much more of a Star Trek fan (bases in science) vs Star Wars (based in magic…there is no “force”).

My main issue with all organized religions, is their involvement in government. Governments need to remain secular, as there are far too many religions to base any law upon. Sure, religions have some basic common laws…but I prefer to stick to empirical evidence to base major decisions/laws on.

No, some religions in the past have sacrificed humans. Jesus came to end religion of sacrifice. He was the last one needed.

… As a human sacrifice.

Welcome to the club of unintentionally offending people! I managed to do just that in my first thread here in the Religion Forum. And, not for the first time in a Religion Forum. No matter how careful one tries to be, this is like a ballgame. Every so often, the ball takes a weird bounce and someone unintentionally gets hurt. Like in a ballgame, though, most manage to walk it off.

The first thing people who are serious about religion will tell you is that God is not a Genii. He is supernatural, though, meaning He is a spiritual being, not a physical being.

I do remain puzzled about people’s objection to religion being involved in government. I always ask for an example on what troubles people and the only answer I have ever received is “Gay marriage.” To which I always respond, “Why should government be involved in marriage at all?” To me, it is government that stretches its tendrils into individual lives where it is not needed nor wanted. Let’s get government to back away! (As you see I’m more libertarian when it comes to government.)

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I agree. everyone must follow their own path to enlightenment.


I would disagree about religions followed solely for tradition.
They form the basis of a common culture. (Even athiests use “■■■■■■■”). As well as creating the calendar of events for a culture. (Christmas is near the solstice, even if you call it Kwanza).

The secular force (both positive and negative) of a common religion is far from meaningless.

True. Very true. I guess I was thinking more on an individual level. If you don’t follow a religion out of true belief but because your parents are X or your culture is X, then you’re just going through the motions. It’s when you research and come to a belief on your own that you really have meaning and growth. I was going off OP saying:

Eating broth with a fork.
Using reason to prove God.

wrong tools for the job. No wonder some people starve.