All Eyes on Nevada

Well, you are more than welcome to move to Arizona or Nevada, and petition your representatives to change the laws.

Unless you’re asking for federal control of elections, of course.



All this talk about math is beautiful coming straight from the people who don’t even know enough math to get percentages from a number… They’re suddenly experts, again.

You should’ve seen them trying to divide small numbers in the last shooter thread.


No thanks and no way.
Federal control of elections would mean the dissolution of the Republic and usher in a dictatorship rule.

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So what are you whining about?

Arizona and Nevada get to make their own rules. Unless you live there, you don’t get a say.

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No whining. I’m laughing at their joke.
You’re correct, if you don’t live there you don’t get a say. To them again: “embrace the suck”! :rofl:

Why would there be whining at all? The election was well run, timely and efficient…correct? Oh…it’s not? Maybe all of us should be united in demanding a transparent, timely, efficient and honest election? You in?


May be quit the whining and see if the message was what lost you the election… again

That isn’t what I just said, now was it? Again I ask, you in?

Yes you whined about losing. Stop blaming others and do a bit of self reflection. Best presidential showing for a mid term in 20 years.

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You’re losing about whining. Now have a nice night. :+1: :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Nope. The gop is filled with vapid good soldiers. We have seen this before.


Name a race in Florida that was as close as these.

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I guess all I can say is

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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End game.

Now the only question is if the Dems can increase their lead in the senate or not.

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This election was all of those things👍


Are you kidding?

You misread my post. No sane person could conclude that the Arizona election was well run and all of us should be united in demanding it. If elections are not considered honest…by all of us…there will be an uprising at some point in all of our futures so let’s unite in fixing them now.

The elections, including Arizona, are honest. When you have that many people doing something, there’s going to be things that have to be fixed or adjusted during the course of events. Demanding perfection is a fool’s errand. Do you live in Arizona?

You want to know why you’re losing? Look no further than Mar-A- Bull ■■■■ .

You aren’t losing because of “fraud”. The longer you keep regurgibleeting that horse ■■■■ from the pig trough, the longer you’re going to keep losing.


…that has been done for decades…there is NO EXCUSE. NONE. NADA. ZILCHO for the level of incompetence except one…